Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)
Through the Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) process, our district sets Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Responsive, and Time-Bound goals, known as SMART Goals. Stakeholder engagement, needs assessment, and research fuel our planning process as well as our action plans, implementation process, and monitoring routines. We hold ourselves accountable to monitoring progress toward our goals quarterly, adjusting our strategies and actions based on data. We renew our CIP in a 4-year cycle.
In the Hillsboro School District (HSD), our CIP serves to unify our program- and school-specific goals. From pre-K to career, our priorities are overlapping and mutually reinforcing. We align our School Improvement Plans with our CIP and Strategic Plan.
From our participation in the Washington County Early Learning Hub to our implementation of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Title I-A grants that support students experiencing poverty, Title III and I-C grants that support students who are emerging bilinguals and members of migrant families, and Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA), and including our work to support middle and high school students through Oregon’s High School Success Act (aka Measure 98), our CIP contains goals and high-leverage strategies that promise to unlock the potential of each student while eliminating institutional barriers.
Our CIP also informs our budget process and reinforces our equity-based investments on behalf of the students we serve.
Components of a CIP
"The Big 5"
- Mission
- Vision
- Goals/Strategies
- Action Steps
- Routines to Monitor/Adjust
"The Supplemental 10 Questions"
- These are questions that describe how the District will address State and Federal requirements.
Federal Programs Grant Narratives: Proposals submitted under each ESSA Federal Programs grant category.