Student Investment Account
Hillsboro School District 2023-24 Integrated Programs Annual Report
HSD Overview: The Integrated Program goals are aligned with the goals of our strategic plan. Our HSD Strategic Plan can be found at Our LPGTs are co-developed and approved by the Oregon Department of Education for a 5-year duration of time. The new requirement from the Oregon Department of Education is a comprehensive annual report on Integrated Programs, which includes Student Investment Account.
>> Click here to view the full report
The Student Investment Account (SIA) is the portion of money generated by the Student Success Act (SSA) that is dedicated to K-12 education. SIA distributions represent 50% of the overall collections (approximately $500 million per year) and are distributed to school districts through a non-competitive grant process.
Allowable SIA expenditures include programs and personnel in support of:
- Class size
- Well-rounded education
- Increased instructional time
- Student health and safety