Flyer Distribution Guidelines
Board Policy KJA: Materials Distribution provides the legal reference and overarching guidance for what is prohibited in the posting and distribution of materials in schools. The following guidelines serve to define the scope of the limited public forum the District intends to create for the purpose of sharing information about educational and extracurricular opportunities for students and/or staff with parents/families, students, and/or staff members.
Flyers and materials generated by schools or school-sponsored/-affiliated groups
Schools may freely create and distribute materials that directly connect to activities, learning opportunities, or projects within that school that are led by staff or students at that particular school, or are authorized activities of the parent or community organization associated with that school. These materials may be distributed directly to students or by staff to students, or may be distributed in an alternate manner such as electronically. Examples are flyers that discuss after-school clubs run by staff, sports, school dances, class field trips, or a school fundraiser bazaar or carnival. For these types of materials, district-level approval is not needed.
After-school clubs that are school-sponsored or school-affiliated* may submit their flyer to the District office for approval for electronic posting or distribution to students, as appropriate.
(*Note that after-school clubs taking place at a school that are operated by a group that is not school-sponsored or school-affiliated or a parent(s)/community member(s) acting on behalf of such a group are treated differently. See the guidelines for materials generated by all other community non-profit organizations, below.)
If there is a desire to share a school-based flyer with other schools in the District or in that school’s feeder area, a request for approval must be submitted through the Flyer and Materials Distribution Request Form.
Flyers and materials generated by the District or other educational organizations
Flyers and materials regarding student and/or staff activities or learning opportunities that are sponsored or endorsed by the District, as opposed to an individual school, may be posted and distributed to students and/or staff, either directly or through an alternate means. Similarly, flyers and materials regarding student and/or staff activities or learning opportunities with a direct connection to curriculum that are generated by other non-profit educational organizations (e.g. colleges/universities, libraries, museums, etc.) may be posted and distributed to students and/or staff.
Flyers and materials generated by all other community non-profit organizations
Flyers and materials regarding student and/or staff activities or learning opportunities that are sponsored or offered by a community-based non-profit organization, whether the activity takes place on or off school grounds, may receive approval for posting, subject to the following guidelines, but shall not be distributed individually to students/families and/or staff in hard-copy or via electronic means.* (*Principals may choose to compile information about activities and/or learning opportunities in their electronic communications and/or hard-copy newsletters. In this case, they should include information about all activities of a particular type for the purpose of equity.)
Guidelines for approval
Flyers and materials must:
- Reference a specific activity. Flyers that are merely for general information or to assess interest will not be approved.
- Be submitted in advance (two weeks’ notice is preferred) via the Flyer and Materials Distribution Request Form on our website
- A final version of the materials for consideration must be provided at the time of the request in one of the following file formats: PDF, JPG/JPEG, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher.
- Not contain overtly religious language (e.g. Bible verses, proselytizing, call to religious observance, etc.).
- Include a notation that reads: “Hillsboro School District does not endorse or sponsor the activities and/or information contained in community flyers.”
- Be supported by a Facility Use Approval (if necessary).
- For any activity/event other than a regular school class that will be held at a school campus or District facility, the coordinator must apply for Facility Use via Facilitron.
- Questions may be directed to Denise McMillian in the Facilities department 503-844-1343.
Scope of approval
- All flyers and materials that meet the guidelines will be approved for electronic posting on the District’s Community Flyers webpage.
- The posting will remain active on this webpage for no more than two weeks. Ongoing postings or requests to repost information for the same activity/event more than once in an academic year will be denied.
- Organizations may also request to supply their targeted school(s) with a stack of up to 10 copies of their flyer/materials for placement in the main office or community information stand/table, or at a school-specific posting location as designated by the principal. Neither schools nor the District will make copies of outside organizations’ flyers.
- Determination of approval or disapproval, and scope of approval, if applicable, will be provided via email in response to the request.
Flyers and materials generated by individuals and for-profit organizations
Flyers and materials regarding activities, learning opportunities, clubs, or services that are sponsored or offered by an individual or for-profit organization will not be allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, private musical instrument lessons, senior portrait providers, financial services providers, day care providers, athletic/fitness organizations (unless the information is provided to staff as part of a wellness initiative), youth sports clinics and camps, etc.
Questions about the Flyer and Materials Distribution process should be directed to Justin Arey, District Webmaster, 3083 NE 49th Place, Hillsboro, OR 97124; 503-844-1756.
Appeal Process
Requests for further review of denied requests will be handled by Communications Officer Beth Graser. If the requester and Ms. Graser still disagree after further review, Ms. Graser will consult with the District’s legal counsel for guidance.
Yard Signs and Banners
Yard signs and banners are reviewed by Saideh HaghighiKhochkhou, Operations Officer, Facilities, 503-844-1320.