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Participating in Athletics

Athletic/Activity Programs Registration

Physical Examination Form




Students must be in attendance at school for at least one-half of the regular academic school day before they are allowed to practice or compete on that day. Truancy automatically excludes a student from athletic participation.

Class Requirements

Students must be on track to graduate. Students must pass 5 classes each semester. Students need to average 6 credits per year for a total of 24 credits to graduate from Glencoe. If a student is not on track, then they are ineligible to participate in OSAA athletics and activities.


All students must:

  • Dress and appear as stipulated by the coach of each sport, and
  • Abide by published expectations distributed by each coach.


Student athletes must show proof of medical insurance prior to athletic participation.


Physical exams are required for all first-time participants, students entering 9th grade, and students entering the 11th grade. These physicals are the responsibility of the family and the family physician. On years when physicals are not required, an athlete may continue participation by completing the appropriate form with a parent signature.


All students are required to travel to and from all contests in school-sanctioned vehicles. Deviations from the above require prior approval of the coach.