Facility Use Fee Structure
June 2019 - The Hillsboro School District has updated its Board Policy KG - Community Use of District Facilities, to reflect a change in rental fee rates for the first time in over a decade. Along with the change in rental fees is a tiered rate structure based on the type of organization requesting the usage. The new rental fee structure and rates will take effect on September 14, 2019.
The District takes pride in offering quality spaces and grounds for community usage. However, there are real costs associated with this usage, including custodial salaries, utilities, maintenance, and more that have never been fully reimbursed by the fees we assess.
Throughout the 2018-19 school year, we completed an audit of our facility use fees and how those compared to the actual associated costs we incur. We also benchmarked those fees against other school districts in our area and found that our fees were significantly lower than those assessed by neighboring districts.
As we continue to look for ways to streamline our operation and send as many resources as possible to the classroom, we simply must ensure that our rental/usage fees are more closely aligned to our actual costs.
To assist our non-profit Hillsboro youth organizations (Tier C) in adjusting to this new fee structure, we will be phasing in their costs over the next three years as follows: 2019-20 - 20% of cost per hour for requested building, facility, or grounds; 2020-21 - 25%; and 2021-22 - 30%. All other organizations, including for-profit Tier C organizations, will be charged as noted on the reverse side of this letter.
Rental reservations and payment are handled by Facilitron. Questions about billing or insurance requirements should be directed to Facilitron. If you have questions regarding scheduling or the updated rental fee structure and rates, please contact Denise McMillan at 503.844.1343 or mcmillad@hsd.k12.or.us.
Tiered Structure
TIER A - All HSD School Sponsored Athletics and Activities
Insured by HSD, Custodial/Monitor Fee Possible
School Sponsored is an activity whose purpose is to serve HSD students. Activities are school sanctioned and coordinated by the school or school district staff.
TIER B - Non Profit HSD Feeder Youth Affiliates, Contracted Partners, Government Partners
Insurance Required, Custodial Fee Possible (Out of season Resident Rental Rate only)
*Feeder Affiliates are organizations who provide an athletic/activity service clearly targeted for youth between the ages of K-8, residing in one of the four comprehensive Hillsboro High Schools.
TIER C - Hillsboro Resident Youth Organizations
Insurance Required, Custodial Fee Possible, Rental Rate (20% Non Profit - 60% Profit)
Hillsboro organizations who are not HSD Feeder Affiliates but whose mission is to serve resident youth.
TIER D - Non Resident Youth Organizations
Insurance Required, Custodial Fee Possible, Rental Rate (60% Non profit - 75% for profit)
Organizations from outside the Hillsboro School District and/or organizations serving a majority of non-resident HSD youth.
TIER E - Adult Programs, Commercial Organizations, Private Parties
Insurance Required, Custodial Fee Possible, Rental Rate (75% non profit - 100% for profit/private)
Commercial, Private groups or Non Profits serving adults.
Custodial/Monitor Fees
- HSD policy requires that a Custodian or other approved HSD staff is on site during outside group usage of interior district facilities. If a Custodian is not scheduled to be on duty during a rental time, the renter will be charged for custodial fees.
- Organizations must carry a 1 million dollar liability coverage with HSD as “additional insured”. All HSD Sponsored programs are covered by HSD insurance. Non-HSD programs must provide proof of this insurance prior to approval of rental reservation request.
*Feeder Affiliates have all of the following characteristics:
- Mission statement clearly states their purpose is to serve youth in a specific HSD feeder.
- Feeder residency is monitored and 85% or more of all participants in organization represent feeder.
- There is a clear partnership and collaboration between the high school and the organization.