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Charging Policy

Accessing School Meals and normal charging policies (Paid meals)
Hillsboro School District serves meals through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) the National School Lunch (NSLP) and School Breakfast Programs (SBP), and the State of Oregon. Meal composition is based upon the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the My Plate recommendations (

School administrators manage school day schedules and identify serving times of breakfast and lunch. Any student that requests a meal shall receive said meal according to Oregon law. Households may be eligible to receive meals at no cost by applying for benefits through the Free and Reduced-priced meal program. More information about the Free and Reduced-Priced meal program may be found at

Charging and Access to Meals
Current Oregon laws specify that when a student requests a meal during meal service, they shall receive a meal regardless of the ability to pay for meals. For clarification purposes, the cost of received meals and resulting balances owed are the responsibility of the parent or guardian.

  • Charging limits - Due to provisions in current laws, the district is unable to establish a charging limit for all accounts. Charging limits can be set by parents or guardians only. Charging limits can be submitted, in writing, to the school or by contacting the Nutrition Services Office.
    • NOTE: The Nutrition Services Division does not provide meal alternatives to students that have a charging limit imposed by the parent or guardian.

Account Management and Collection of Delinquent Debt
The district allows for the prepayment of meals directly at the school or online using the service Titan School Solutions.

  • Payments at school – Cafeteria staff or the school office (Elementary Schools) are able to receive cash or check payments for student meal accounts. Meal prices are posted on the district website, online menu, and Titan School Solutions mobile application.
  • Linq Connect – The online account management service Linq Connect enables management of student accounts online. Features include transaction history, online payments, auto-payments, payment reminders, low balance warnings and more. Payments are not required to use this tool, however, a service charge is applied for online payment processing.
  • Handling of Delinquent Debt – When payment is overdue or when funds are not present to cover the cost of a meal that has been served, the monetary credit extended is considered delinquent debt. HSD will pursue efforts to collect unpaid meal charges or delinquent debts.
    • Negative Balance Notifications – Wednesdays of each weak the district initiates an automated phone call to households notifying of balances owed in the cafeteria.
    • When an account breaches -$50.00, additional efforts are made in the form of a telephone call and notices mailed to the primary mailing address on record. Mailed notices include information about application for free meal benefits and requests for a repayment plan (including pre-payment for additional meals)

Policy Communications and Locations
This Nutrition Services department policy can be located on the district website ( ) or may be requested by contacting the Nutrition Services office at (503) 844-1459.