Title IA
Title I is a federal education program under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). This program provides financial assistance to schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards.
For additional information please contact the Director of Federal Programs or see the State Department of Education site.
What is Title I?
Title I is a federal program of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) that supports programs in schools and school districts to improve the learning of children from low-income families. The U.S. Department of Education provides Title I funds to states to give to school districts based on the number of children from low-income families in each district.
Parents May Inquire about Teacher Qualifications
The Hillsboro School District is committed to providing quality instruction for all students and does so by employing the most qualified individuals to teach and support each student in the classroom. All teachers who teach in core academic subject areas are required to be Highly Qualified.
Parents of children enrolled in a Title I School may request information concerning the professional qualifications of their child’s teacher(s) including the degrees held, certifications held, and whether the teacher is certified in the area he/she is teaching. Request for this information may be submitted to the school principal.
Adequate Yearly Progress and School Improvement
Adequate Yearly Progress measures the progress of all elementary, middle and high schools in the Hillsboro School District. Under the Oregon Department of Education's accountability system and the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, school districts in Oregon are expected to meet the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) performance targets, just like individual schools and the state as a whole. View HSD Adequate Yearly Progress and School Improvement.
Title I Terms
Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) — This is the term No Child Left Behind uses for a teacher who demonstrates that he or she knows the subjects he or she is teaching, has a college degree, and is state-certified. No Child Left Behind requires that schools hire Highly Qualified Teachers in core academic subjects.
HSD Title I Policy
Parent Involvement - Title I schools are required to increase and enhance opportunities for parental involvement; and to seek parental feedback on improving the school.
Parent Involvement Plan- HSD will ensure effective involvement of parents by promoting activities that support a partnership among the school.
Olga Acuña
Executive Director of Federal Programs
Abdiel Cabrales
Executive Assistant to Olga Acuña
Administration Center
3083 NE 49th Place #200
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124-6009
FAX: 503-844-1782
Title I Schools in HSD
Eight elementary schools in the Hillsboro School District are currently designated as Title I Schools. These schools receive additional funding for programs and services designed to improve learning opportunities for eligible students.
- Eastwood
- Free Orchards
- Lincoln
- McKinney
- Mooberry
- Reedville
- Witch Hazel
- W.L. Henry