Title VI
Title VI supports the improved academic performance of the American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) students enrolled in the Hillsboro School District by providing strategies which directly address the culturally related and academic need of AI/AN students. In addition to Title VI, Oregon's State Board of Education has adopted the Oregon American Indian/Alaska Native Education State Plan. This plan highlights strategies for addressing the eleven goals, which encompass staff development, curriculum, infusion, dropout prevention, culturally appropriate assessment, early childhood, and parental involvement.
Title VI programs are designed to address the unique education and culturally related academic needs of Native American and Alaska Native students so that these students can achieve to the same challenging state performance standards expected of all students.
For additional information please contact the Director of Federal Programs or visit the Oregon Department of Education’s site.
Barbara Francom
Title VI Coordinator
Native American & Alaska Native
Education Program
Olga Acuña
Executive Director of Federal Programs
Administration Center
3083 NE 49th Place #122
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124-6009
Phone: 503-844-1500 ext. 70047
FAX: 503-844-1782