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Elementary Report Card

The Hillsboro School District's report card for elementary students is designed to give students and families access to a reliable and consistent report of their student’s level of proficiency and progress in their understanding of grade level standards. Rather than getting a letter grade, students earn an E (Exceeds), M (Meets), NM (Nearly Meeting), or NY (Not Yet Meeting) relative to each standard.

Report cards are completed two times a year at each semester. They are a few pages long and are organized by subject area (examples: 3rd gr. English/3rd gr. Spanish, 3rd gr. Dual Eng/3rd gr. Dual Sp). Standards are written in an easier to understand “I can” statement that provides information about what is expected of students in that area by the end of the year.  The mark for the standard allows you to know how your child is progressing related to the standards. This means that at the time of the report card, teachers are reporting on whether students are meeting the expectations at their grade level. The mark will reflect their proficiency at that point in time relative to the grade level standard.

Not every box needs a mark each semester because not all standards are taught each semester. Every standard should be assessed and marked at some point over the course of the year. An empty box means that the standard(s) have either been introduced and not assessed yet, or not covered that semester in instruction. So parents may see sections left blank in semester 1 because they have not gotten to those lessons yet.  By the same token, seeing that a child “meets” or “exceeds” in semester 1 does not necessarily mean they already know how to do everything within a standard—it merely means they are on track to master those skills by the end of the year.

There is also an opportunity at the end of the report card where teachers can write comments about how well the child is doing in class each semester.  We hope the elementary report cards are informative and meaningful for parents, students and teachers alike as they partner to ensure all students leave elementary school academically at or above grade level. If you would like more information regarding your child’s report card, please reach out to their teacher.