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Health Education

The Hillsboro School District aligns classroom instruction to standards adopted by the State of Oregon. Our goal is to support each student in meeting high academic standards aligned to college- and career-readiness benchmarks. We encourage families to review the standards for each course and understand your right to learn more by talking to teachers and reviewing curriculum and materials. We view your engagement and support as an investment in student achievement.

The Hillsboro School District recognizes the importance of supporting the health and safety of young people by providing comprehensive health education. The State of Oregon requires that the following topics be covered in high school health classes: drug prevention; prevention and control of disease; environmental health; healthy eating; mental, social and emotional health; physical activity; sexual health; injury prevention; violence and suicide prevention.

All instruction is based on the Oregon Health Education Standards and Performance Indicators adopted by the Oregon Department of Education in 2016.

The state of Oregon has adopted a comprehensive approach to health education, including human sexuality education. All instruction must be age-appropriate and emphasize abstinence, while also including medically accurate content related to contraception and sexually transmitted diseases. While our district’s human sexuality curriculum meets the requirements of state law (OAR 581-022-1440) and Hillsboro School District Policy IGAI, we also understand that our students and their families have a range of beliefs, cultures and customs. As parent/guardian, we encourage you to meet with your child’s health education teacher to discuss any concerns you have regarding the health curriculum.  

We support the right of parents to make choices regarding their students’ education which are consistent with family beliefs and customs. State law (OAR 581-022-1910) protects school districts’ right to exempt students from educational programs and activities in order to accommodate students’ religious beliefs and disabilities. In accordance with the law, we will continue to allow parents to submit a written request to the school principal if they would like to exempt their student from instructional activities related to specific Oregon Health Education Standards and Benchmarks.

The HSD website includes links to law, standards, curriculum, and instructions for requesting exemption from specific instructional activities.

Thank you for your engagement and investment in our schools and students.

Exemption Procedures
In the state of Oregon, 
OAR 581-022-1910 protects school districts’ right to exempt students from educational programs and activities in order to accommodate students’ religious beliefs and disabilities. In addition to legal protections for parents and students, Hillsboro School District respects the values and beliefs of our families. As parent/guardian, we encourage you to meet with your child’s health education teacher to discuss any concerns you have regarding the health curriculum.

In accordance with the law, HSD will continue to allow parents (and students 18 and older and legally emancipated minors) to submit a written request to the school principal if they would like to “opt out” of specific learning activities.

The following is a list of procedures for families and schools:

  1. Family contacts teacher and/or building administrator to discuss any areas of concern regarding the learning activities in question and/or review any of the curriculum materials.
  2. School personnel informs family regarding the requirements of a written request exemption as addressed in OAR 581-022-1910
  3. Building administrator evaluates proposal from family for approval
  4. Following the approval, and upon completion of the alternative learning activity, credit shall be granted to the student.

Brooke Nova
Assistant Superintendent
for Academic Services

Administration Center
3083 NE 49th Place #200
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124-6009
Phone: 503.844.1500
FAX: 503.844.1782