Safe and Welcoming Schools
In light of the recent national conversation around immigration, we wanted to assure our community that Hillsboro schools are a safe place for students. We recognize the diversity and worth of all students, individuals and groups, and are committed to both educating and providing a safe and inclusive environment for everyone, regardless of their immigration status, race, color, religion or any other basis. In fact, HSD does not collect or track any information regarding a students’ or their family members’ immigration or citizenship status. We have been working with local law enforcement partners to develop some talking points and assurances around students’ safety while in our schools, and around the confidentiality of their personal information.
The links included on this page are intended to help inform students, staff, and families about our policies and practices around ensuring safe learning spaces for students, and to provide information about community support that is available. Please speak with your school principal, counselor, or with a member of the Family and Community Engagement Team if you have questions, concerns, or if you need to be connected with community organizations who can help you.
Entornos escolares seguros y acogedores
En vista de la reciente conversación nacional acerca de inmigración, queríamos asegurarle a nuestra comunidad que las escuelas de Hillsboro son un lugar seguro para los estudiantes. Reconocemos la diversidad y el valor de todos los estudiantes, personas y grupos, y estamos comprometidos tanto a educar como a proveer un ambiente seguro e inclusivo para todos, independientemente de su estatus migratorio, raza, color, religión o cualquier otra base. De hecho, HSD no recopila o rastrea ninguna información relacionada al estatus inmigratorio o de ciudadanía de sus estudiantes o familiares. Hemos estado trabajando con socios del orden público local para desarrollar algunos temas de conversación y garantías acerca de la seguridad de los estudiantes mientras están en nuestras escuelas, y sobre la confidencialidad de su información personal.
Los enlaces incluidos en esta página tienen la intención de ayudar a informar a los estudiantes, el personal y a las familias acerca de nuestras políticas y prácticas en garantizar espacios seguros de aprendizaje para los estudiantes, y para proveer información sobre el apoyo disponible en la comunidad. Por favor, hable con el director de su escuela, consejero o con un miembro del Equipo de Involucramiento Familiar y Enlace Comunitario si tiene preguntas, inquietudes o si necesita ser conectado con organizaciones de la comunidad que pueden ayudarle.
General Resources
- You Belong Toolkit - OR Office of Civil Rights
- Bias Reporting Hotline
- 1-844-924-BIAS
9am-5pm Pacific, M-F - Online reporting form
- 1-844-924-BIAS
- Bias Reporting Hotline
- Oregon Department of Justice Sanctuary Promise Law
- Hillsboro School Board Resolution on Safe and Welcoming Schools
- ODE Guidance for Protecting and Upholding the Rights of Immigrant Students in Oregon's K-12 Public Schools
- OR State Board of Ed. Resolution Supporting Black Lives Matter
- Student Safety and Educational Equity, Politics, and Social Causes
- ODE Releases LGBTQ2SIA+ Student Success Plan
- HSD Welcome Page
- 211 Info Connections to Community Resources
- Family and Community Engagement Team
- Board Policy ACB: Every Student Belongs
- Oregon Department of Education Every Student Belongs webpage
Immigration Resources
- Immigrant Resource Center
- Know the Facts about Public Charge
- Conozca los Datos Sobre la Carga Pública
- Safe and Welcoming Schools FAQ English
- Safe and Welcoming Schools FAQ Spanish
- Hillsboro is a Sanctuary City
- Hillsboro City Council FAQ on Legal Implications of Sanctuary City Status
- Legal Resources for Immigrants
- Recursos legales para inmigrantes
- ILRC Red Cards (website)
- Printable IRLC Red Cards
- Know Your Rights and What Immigrant Families Should Know
- Family Preparedness Plan (ILRC website)
- Plan de Preparación Familiar (sitio web de ILRC)
- Family Preparedness Plan, Oregon Law Center
- Información para las familias de Oregon para preparse en tiempos de crisis (difíciles)