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Find My Home School

Your child(ren) are expected to attend the school that is assigned to your home address. To identify your "home school," click on the Find My School Locator Tool below:

Transportation Logo

(enter "guest" as user name and "guest" as your password)

Please only select grades KF-12

>> Read full instructions

Please Note:

When looking for school of residence within the new South Hillsboro development, please call 503-844-1123, option 3, to reach our routing department for the most up to date information.  

Entering Kindergarten?

For families with students entering kindergarten, follow these instructions to find the school in your attendance area:

Transportation Logo

  • Click on the Find My School Locator Tool linked on the image above, or click here.
  • Type ‘guest’ (without quotations) under the username and password.
  • On the Select a grade dropdown, select code KF.
  • Enter your address under house number, street, and zip code.
  • Generate the school/transportation information by clicking the Find School/Transportation Info.
  • Your school of residence will be an elementary school.
  • Note: Each elementary school is part of a Feeder Group. A Feeder Group is a string of elementary schools that 'feed' into a middle school(s) and a high school (For Example, your elementary school could be Quatama Elementary School. Quatama feeds into Poynter Middle School and Liberty High School. Quatama is part of the Liberty Feeder).

For a full list of elementary schools and their feeder, click here!