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Safe Routes to School

The Oregon Department of Education has established transportation guidelines for students at all grade levels. For students in grades K-6, bus transportation must be made available for all students whose home address is farther than 1 mile away from the school; for students in grades 7-12, bus transportation must be made available for all students whose home address is farther than 1.5 miles away from the school. These distances are determined by the District's bus routing software and are calculated from the point on the student's property that is closest to the school, to the nearest access point on the school's property at which a student could reasonably enter. This property access point could be the school's back field. If you are uncertain about the availability of bus transportation for a given residential property, please contact the Transportation department at 503-844-1123. 

Oregon legal reference: 

581-023-0040 (C) (e) “Mile(s) from School” means the distance a student lives from school, measured from the closest, reasonable, and prudent point between the school property identified by the local board for that pupil’s attendance and the property where the pupil lives. The distance will be measured over the shortest practicable route on maintained public roadways or over existing pedestrian facilities or pedestrian facilities capable of meeting the requirements listed in ORS 332.405(4).

Home addresses that fall inside of those boundaries are considered to be in the “walk” zone. Students who live in the “walk” zone may not receive transportation unless their route to school would take them through a hazard zone. Here are the criteria used to determine safe bus routes and stops, as well as safe walking routes.

Bus Routes & Stops - Within the city limits of Hillsboro

Elementary Students K-6

  • Two lanes of traffic
  • 35 MPH or less
  • 200 feet of visibility with no curves or hills

Secondary Students 7-12

  • Three lanes of traffic or less (if three lanes, move stop at least 100 feet from intersection)
  • 40 MPH or less
  • 200 feet of visibility with no curves or hills

Bus Routes & Stops - Outside the city limits of Hillsboro (rural areas)

All Students K-12

  • Three lanes of traffic or less (if three lanes, move stop at least 100 feet from intersection)
  • 55 MPH or less
  • 200 feet of visibility with no curves or hills

Safe Walk Zones - Within the city limits of Hillsboro - Crossing with no assistance (no crossing guard)

Elementary Students K-6

  • Two lanes of traffic
  • 35 MPH or less if crossing at an uncontrolled intersection
  • 300 feet of visibility in each direction
  • No more than 25 cars per minute (crossing at a uncontrolled intersection with multiple lanes, and/or high volume of cars; 25 or more per minute only with a crossing guard)

Secondary Students 7-12

  • Three lanes of traffic or less
  • 40 MPH or less if crossing at an uncontrolled intersection
  • 300 feet of visibility in each direction
  • Crossing at a controlled intersection with five or fewer lanes

Elementary Suggested Walking Paths- maps of suggested walking paths for our elementary schools with walk zones.
Middle School Suggested Walking Paths - maps of suggested walking paths for our 4 middle schools.