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Safe school bus transportation services are the core of what we do. In fact, many of our school bus drivers and transportation staff have been recognized for their commitment to safety in their daily work. Our bus drivers ensure reliable transportation to and from schools, activities and events. Our mechanics keep our buses running smoothly. Our dispatchers maintain routes and schedules to help our students reach their destinations in a timely manner.

Read our School Bus Safety Tips for parents, students and drivers - and review the important laws related to school zones and school buses. Thank you for helping us ensure the safety of our students every day.

Inclement Weather Procedures
In cases of inclement weather, the District will notify the public through the local media of school closings or and/or any delays, cancellations in school transportation services. Specific weather zones affected would be specified in the announcements. District snow zones can be viewed here.

Alternate Pick Up and Drop Off Requests
Bus transportation to after-school programs and daycare within your home school attendance area may be provided. Please complete the alternate transportation form if you are requesting for your student to be picked up and/or dropped off at a location other than their home address on a regular, established schedule. All requests apply to the current school year only. Please allow up to 5 business days for your request to be routed.

Limitations to Alternate Transportation: Requests for multiple pick up and drop off locations that are not on a regular schedule cannot be accommodated. Students may not choose where to be picked up or dropped off. Requests for alternate week changes cannot be accommodated. Temporary changes (less than one month) must be in the form of a note to the school on the date of the requested change.


Main Office
1220 SW Walnut Street
Hillsboro, OR 97123
Phone: 503.844.1123
Fax: 503.844.1139

Transportation & Support Services Building
7705 NE Jacobson Street
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Phone: 503.844.1123

Contact Us

Carol Hatfield

Carol Hatfield
Executive Director of Transportation

Mike Fornshell

Mike Fornshell
Manager of Transportation (Main)

Jason Wildenborg

Jason Wildenborg
Manager of Transportation (North)

Tod Reese, Supervisor (North)

Debbie McFalls, Supervisor (Main)

Heidi Giese, Dept. Admin Support III, Secretary to Executive Director & Manager

Aracely Reyes, Admin Support III

Tabi Harper, Routing Liaison - Special Accommodation Routing & Boundaries

Theresa Davis, Routing Liaison - General Routing & Boundaries

Lenaya Martin, Technical Support