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FAQs - Gifted and Talented

FAQs - Gifted and Talented

What is the District's TAG Plan?

All first grade students are screened for giftedness with the Kingore Observation Inventory, a six-week analytical observation tool, and the Kingore Planned Experiences, classroom activities specifically designed to demonstrate gifted characteristics. Students identified as Talented & Gifted via the first grade screening process will receive a “Potential for Gifted Performance” (Potential to Perform) designation.

Starting in 2016, all second grade students will be assessed for giftedness with the Cognitive Abilities Test, Form 7 (CogAT7) Screening Form. Those who perform in the top 15% nationally on the CogAT7 Screening Form will be further assessed with the complete Cognitive Abilities Test, Form 7. Students identified as Talented & Gifted via the second grade process will receive one or more of the following designations:

  • Intellectually gifted

  • Academically Gifted: Math

  • Academically Gifted: Reading

  • Potential for Gifted Performance (Potential to Perform)

Personalized Education Plans (PEPs) are created for all TAG-identified students in grades K-6 to describe for teachers how students can best be served during their school day. At the secondary level, teachers create TAG education plans for their courses that describe how they will differentiate and provide appropriate instruction for advanced learners and TAG students, including strategies like cluster grouping, curriculum compacting, and tiered instruction. These plans are collected by building level TAG Coordinators and are available for parents to review upon request. Older TAG students also have access to university-level coursework, both tutor-supported and independent study.

In addition, TAG students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular enrichment activities. We have the TAG, You’re It! Program on select Saturdays for students in elementary school and Teen Thinksplosion for students in grades 7-10. There are also clubs like Destination Imagination, the Hour of Code, Science Oympiad, Math Counts, and more.

Thanks to an investment by the School Board, we now also offer a Parent Portal and parent classes where parents of TAG students can learn more about what it means to have a TAG student and how best to support them.

TAG Coordinators receive monthly professional development on strategies for engaging and challenging TAG students, and a Schoology course has been set up so that coordinators can easily communicate with one another and access important information to distribute to staff. Additional professional development is offered to staff throughout the school year.

How many TAG students are in HSD?

Approximately 7.5% of our students are TAG-identified (just over 1500).

Can kids get retested for TAG?

Students can be referred for gifted identification eligibility at any time. Student referrals typically begin with a teacher observation period, which may or may not lead to formal testing. Formal testing, outside of screenings performed on every first and second grade student (as of 2016) require parent permission. Talented & Gifted identification requires multiple evidence points and eligibility decisions are made by a team. Please contact your school’s TAG Coordinator with questions about this process.

In addition, nationally normed percentile rankings from state reading and math assessments will be considered for Talented & Gifted identification in grades 4-11. These eligibility referrals occur in the fall of each school year based on state assessments from the previous school year. Students identified as Talented & Gifted via the state assessment referral process may receive one or more of the following designations:

  • Academically Gifted: Math

  • Academically Gifted: Reading

  • Potential for Gifted Performance (Potential to Perform)

Other states allow for TAG kids to have an all-day experience.

Per state law, school districts in Oregon have a responsibility to identify and serve TAG students; however, no money is provided by the state to carry out this service. The money we set aside to ensure we have a district-level TAG Coordinator and school-based TAG Coordinators comes from our general fund. We simply do not have the money to be able to provide a separate day-long experience for TAG-identified students, nor does research support that this model is what’s best for students’ academic and social-emotional development.

How do we learn about TAG options?

The TAG coordinators at each school are the key contacts for students or parents who may feel they need more information or support to meet the needs of students identified as TAG. Information about districtwide opportunities for TAG students are on our website and may also be promoted by the TAG coordinator at the school. Parents and families should talk to the school principal, teacher or TAG coordinator for school-related questions or concerns.
