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2023 Boundary Adjustment (Tamarack, Rosedale, Witch Hazel)

Feb. 28, 2023 — the School Board unanimously adopted the boundary adjustments as proposed. Staff will now work on incorporating the adjustments into student information and transportation databases, expected to be completed by late spring/early June. New/kindergarten students who enroll before then will be rostered to their currently-assigned school of residence. Once the databases are updated, enrolled students will be automatically rostered, as applicable, to their adjusted school of residence, to take effect for the 2023-24 school year.

This video (no audio) shows the proposal to adjust attendance boundaries in the south Hillsboro area, impacting Rosedale and Witch Hazel Elementary Schools to create another attendance area for the new Tamarack Elementary, currently under construction and opening in fall 2023. This proposal was presented to the School Board at its Feb. 28, 2023, meeting.* Please view the meeting synopses below for more information about what was presented and discussed in committee and community meetings before then.

Bilingual presentation / presentación bilingüe

* The Board presentation was originally scheduled to take place at the March 14 meeting. However, due to the superintendent search, the boundary adjustment presentation was bumped up to the Feb. 28 meeting.

Si necesita servicios de interpretación al español para estas reuniones, favor de comunicarse con la oficina del Distrito al o 503-844-1500 extensión 6117, al menos 24 horas antes de la reunión.

These meetings were scheduled to review the boundary adjustment proposal: