Mid-Year Moves
Students who move during the school year can choose to remain at their current school. A mid-year move does not require a transfer. Students who move on, or after the transfer window closes (May 15), can continue at their current school through the upcoming school year. For example, if you move on, or after May 15, 2024, you may stay at your current school through June 2025, without a transfer. As soon as possible, please provide the school office with your new address information and the date of the move to establish this administrative placement. This placement is valid for one school year only, i.e., 2024-25.
If you move before May 15 and would like to remain at your current school for the upcoming school year, please complete the applicable transfer request before the deadline. Transfers are required for the school year following the administrative placement.
To be considered for continuation at the school for the following school year, please use the applicable in-district or inter-district transfer request process and submit before the deadline for that school year. Using the previous example, if you moved before May 15, 2024, and wish to attend your current school through the 2024-25 school year, you will need to submit a timely application in order to return in September 2024 for the 2024-25 school year. If there is no approved transfer, then students will be expected to attend their home school/district in the 2024-25 school year.
Transfers Contact
HSD Transfers
Communications Department
Tel: 503.844.1771
Fax: 503.844.1557