Welcome! In this section, you will find resources and workshops available to Hillsboro residents If you have questions, please contact one of our Family Engagement Team Members. Visit our Resource Guide to find helpful community resources in your area. Still can't find it? Dial 211 or visit their website for free, confidential and live information.
What is a PAC?
In accordance with our HSD policy on Educational Equity, we engage with families to get input on district programs and policies in order to better serve our students. We have many strategies for engaging families at the school and district level. One formal structure of gathering input directly from families of students who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color is Parent Advisory Committees or PACs.
Latinx Parent Advisory Committee (Latinx PAC)
This committee provides input on our Title I-C Migrant Education Program. The Latinx PAC includes families of students who qualify for Migrant Education services, English Language Development services, and participants in our Dual Language Program. They conduct their meetings in Spanish. They provide input to the HSD Board of Directors twice a year and to HSD staff ongoing.
Native American Parent Advisory Committee (Native American PAC)
This committee provides input on our Title VI Native American Education Program. The Native American PAC includes families whose students have tribal affiliation. They conduct their meetings in English. They provide input to the HSD Board of Directors twice a year and to HSD staff ongoing.
Black Village Family Advisory Committee
This committee provides input to HSD staff and the HSD Board of Directors on improving educational outcomes for students. The Black Village Family Advisory Committee includes families whose students identify as Black, African American, and African. They conduct their meetings in English. They provide input to the HSD Board of Directors twice a year and to HSD staff ongoing.
Francesca Sinapi
Equity, Access & Engagement Officer
Olga Acuña
Executive Director of Federal Programs
Administration Center
3083 NE 49th Place #200
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124-6009
Phone: 503-844-1500
FAX: 503-844-1782
Family Engagement Vision
Develop stronger partnerships with families and community partners in order to increase their involvement and engagement in the school system, develop trust, reduce isolation, and collectively improve student achievement.
Desarrollar una colaboración más sólida con las familias y la comunidad para aumentar su involucramiento y liderazgo en el sistema educativo, desarrollar la confianza, reducir el aislamiento y colectivamente mejorar el rendimiento estudiantil.
Framework/ Modelo de Práctica
Family Engagement Purpose
Family Engagement Purpose
Our team works to ensure that students and their families are critical partners in our educational system. This includes engaging students and their families in our classrooms, academic programs, curriculum and decision making. We focus on allocating resources, working with staff and community partners to meet any need that students and their families may have. We understand that this is effectively done by creating equitable systems where democratic participation is strengthened through advocacy and leadership development.
El propósito del involucramiento familiar
Nuestro equipo trabaja para asegurar que los estudiantes y sus familias sean socios críticos en el sistema educativo. Esto incluye involucrar a los estudiantes y sus familias en nuestras aulas, programas académicos, currículo y toma de decisiones. Nos enfocamos en la asignación de recursos, trabajando con personal y socios en la comunidad para satisfacer cualquier necesidad que los estudiantes y sus familias puedan tener. Entendemos que esto se logra efectivamente creando sistemas equitativos donde la participación democrática se refuerza a través de la promoción y el desarrollo del liderazgo.