2020 Valedictorians and Salutatorians Memories
Student | Post High School Plan, Favorite School Memory, Advice to Incoming Freshmen |
Bethany Gold |
Post-High School Plan: BYU Provo to study Elementary Education and Theater. Favorite School Memory: I really enjoyed doing the Little Mermaid play. Even though it got canceled halfway through, I met a lot of people and also got to be a photographer, so that was a lot of fun. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Don't stick to the status quo and do what you would like to do instead of what everybody is pressuring you to do. Just find things that you like and do it. |
Aniya Heuss |
Post-High School Plan: University of Washington to study Bioengineering.
Favorite School Memory: This year I was the Drum Major for Marching Band. In our show, we all had LED lights and the stadium lights went out - it was so cool to hear everyone cheering for us! Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Take every opportunity that comes your way, whether it's a volunteer experience in the summer or whatever - it could really help toward college and your future. |
Natalie Jones |
Post-High School Plan: BYU to study Mechanical Engineering and minor in Business.
Favorite School Memory: The AP U.S. History project I did on the history of food across America. It was really fun, I learned a lot, and I found a new interest. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Learn how you learn independently, because having this skill will help you throughout the rest of your life - not just memorizing facts and figures. |
Annika Kelson 2020 Valedictorian Century High School |
Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Be kind and make friends in all your classes. School, activities, and life are a lot easier when you have friends to work with and to support you in the difficult times. |
Lauren Nguyen 2020 Valedictorian Century High School |
Post-High School Plan: University of Oregon studying Data Science.
Favorite School Memory: Getting slimed at our Nickelodeon-themed Jag Fest assembly last year and serving as ASB President this year. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Take advantage of every opportunity you have in high school, whether that's to volunteer or attend all the sporting events and the dances. But also take care of yourself and find time to hang out with your friends because your grades matter, but your mental health is more important. |
Julia Notz 2020 Valedictorian Century High School |
Post-High School Plan: OSU Honors College studying Public Health and Economics.
Favorite School Memory: Working with my peers on the Youth Advisory Council to pass the Sustainable Shopping Initiative. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Try to focus on learning instead of grades. |
Jocelyn Penniston 2020 Valedictorian Century High School |
Post-High School Plan: PCC to study Art.
Favorite School Memory: Doing henna at the school dance with the Art Club. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Don't overwork yourself and stress yourself out, especially with pressure to load up on lots of difficult classes. Just enjoy your time in high school. |
Ivy Villanueva 2020 Valedictorian Century High School |
Post-High School Plan: PSU to study Biology.
Favorite School Memory: Being part of student government the last two years. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Join clubs, get involved, make new friends. If you have an opportunity, take it and make more memories along the way. |
Amy Walkenhorst 2020 Valedictorian Century High School |
Post-High School Plan: BYU to study Civil Engineering.
Favorite School Memory: I got to be part of Spirit Court with a bunch of my friends for the biggest Spirit Week of the year and that was super fun. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Give your best and work hard, but also find time to make the memories you want in high school with people you care about because it's going to go by super fast and you want good memories to look back on. |
Matteus Wilson 2020 Valedictorian Century High School |
Post-High School Plan: University of Arizona to study Computer Science.
Favorite School Memory: Also Marching Band when they turned out the lights in the stadium and everyone was cheering for us (like Aniya Heuss). Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Take a Speech and Debate class if you can, it's very helpful. |
Emily Rice |
Post-High School Plan: OSU to study Computer Science.
Favorite School Memory: Playing Lacrosse. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Find a balance between academic life and the rest of your life - it's really better that way. |
Sophia Salter 2020 Salutatorian Century High School |
Post-High School Plan: University of Oregon.
Favorite School Memory: Some of my favorite high school memories were with Century Band. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Find an interest of yours and intensely pursue it. |
Allison Cafferata 2020 Valedictorian Glencoe High School |
Post-High School Plan: Univerisity of California - San Diego to study Microbiology.
Favorite School Memory: Anything with Choir - I loved our performances at The Grotto. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Get involved in things. If you don't like something, find something new. You don't have to participate in the same activities you did in middle school - it's good to try new things. |
Jenna Daley 2020 Valedictorian Glencoe High School |
Post-High School Plan: BYU to study Psychology.
Favorite School Memory: Our Homecoming Parade and Football game this yer. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Advocate for yourself. Go to teachers, talk to them, and just make sure if you need help - ask for it. |
Annie Dao 2020 Valedictorian Glencoe High School |
Post-High School Plan: PSU to study Nursing. Favorite School Memory: Senior Sunset because that was our first hoorah as seniors. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Just enjoy it because it goes by fast. Try new things as much as possible. Expand your interests because four years flies by really quickly, so enjoy every minute. |
Hailey Gessford 2020 Valedictorian Glencoe High School |
Post-High School Plan: University of Oregon on a Presidential Scholaship, which is really exciting. Favorite School Memory: Either cheering at Varsity Football games or when I got to host Mr. Glencoe, which is our senior boys' pageant that doubles as a fundraiser for Doernbecher Children's Hospital, which is really fun. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Make friends with your teachers because that just makes high school so much better. And also, get involved and go to events because those turn into the memories that you can look back on when you graduate. |
Megan Jarvis 2020 Valedictorian Glencoe High School |
Post-High School Plan: BYU studying pre-Nursing. Favorite School Memory: Loved hanging out with friends throughout high school. |
Nisala Kalupahana 2020 Valedictorian Glencoe High School |
Post-High School Plan: Vanderbilt University to study Computer Science. Favorite School Memory: Going to State in Choir where I got to scream in froont of hundreds of people. That was pretty amazing! Advice for Incoming Freshmen: I think you should try to play pranks on your teachers for April Fools Day. That's always really fun. Especially if you get two teachers with a fun rivalry you can get one to unlock the other one's classroom door and then you can do whatever you want. It's amazing. That's what 9th graders should do. [Editorial comment - that is certainly NOT what students should do! Thank you for the tongue-in-cheek humor, Nisala!] |
Hannah McClain 2020 Valedictorian Glencoe High School |
Post-High School Plan: Undecided on college, but plan on studying Mechanical Engineering. Favorite School Memory: Going to Football games with my friends. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Don't be afraid of making connections with teachers because those relationships can make your life a lot easier. |
Vanessa Nguyen 2020 Valedictorian Glencoe High School |
Post-High School Plan: Pacific University to study Biology on a pre-Pharmacy track. Favorite School Memory: Senior Sunrise and going to IHOP before school with my friends. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Be yourself and try new things. Don't really care what other people think of you because I can promise - we don't care! Just be yourself, live your best life in high school. |
Caelin Niebergall 2020 Valedictorian Glencoe High School |
Post-High School Plan: University of Oregon to study Biology and compete on the Acrobatics and Tumbling team. Favorite School Memory: Our last home Football game. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Enjoy the little things and the little milestones in high school because that's what you're going to look back on the most. |
Ryan Smith 2020 Valedictorian Glencoe High School |
Post-High School Plan: Yale to study Economics or Political Science. Favorite School Memory: Taking AP European History my sophomore year. It was a fun class and I made a lot of friends. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Just get involved in clubs and activities because I think that makes high school a lot more fun experience and a better experience. |
Tiffany Walter 2020 Valedictorian Glencoe High School |
Post-High School Plan: Either UofO or PSU to study Psychology. Favorite School Memory: My freshman year Graphic Design class because my best friend and I got to have a lot of dance parties there. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Don't just focus on grades and studying because you'll get very burned out very quickly by the end of the year. So I would just recommend: go out with your friends, try new things, and get out of your comfort zone. |
Olivia Bjorem 2020 Salutatorian Glencoe High School |
Post-High School Plan: PSU to study Environmental Science. Favorite School Memory: Sophomore year on Varsity Color Guard. We competed at the World Championships and made semi-finals for the first time in the school's history. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Make sure you make time for yourself and prioritize your own personal mental health over getting the best grades possible. |
Kiran Bourget 2020 Salutatorian Glencoe High School |
Post-High School Plan: USC for study Environmental Studies. Favorite School Memory: Every single school dance. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Do and join a lot of different things because that's really how you can meet new people and get involved. And also play Soccer. |
Alycia Long 2020 Salutatorian Glencoe High School |
Post-High School Plan: BYU, undecided major. Favorite School Memory: Football games and dances with my friends. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Have the most fun you can while you can. Enjoy your time. |
Claire Coxen 2020 Valedictorian Hilhi |
Post-High School Plan: OSU Honors College for Environmental Engineering. Favorite School Memory: Traveling to Grants Pass with the Hilhi Marching Band and spending the weekend there for competition. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Not to be afraid to speak out in class and join things and try out new stuff in high school. |
Rebekah Hoover 2020 Valedictorian Hilhi |
Post-High School Plan: Arizona State Honors College to study Sustainability and Anthropology. Favorite School Memory: Being on the Wrestling team. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Don't choose to procrastinate in your freshman year because you won't be able to stop in your senior year! And do something that terrifies you. Also join Wrestling. |
Chance Saechao |
Post-High School Plan: OSU Honors College to study Engineering. Favorite School Memory: Becoming one of the first Hilhi Soccer teams to make a State semi-final. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Put yourself out there and don't be afraid to make mistakes because those mistakes are going to help you grow as a person the most. |
Tristiana Peneyra 2020 Valedictorian Hilhi |
Post-High School Plan: PCC for a transfer degree then I'll head off to university. Favorite School Memory: I have a lot of great memories, so it's hard to choose just one; however, a lot of them come from Band and Color Guard. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: The cliché that high school will be over before you know it I think is pretty true. So not just 9th graders, but everybody: make the most of as many moments as you can, whether you're working diligently on schoolwork or making holiday treats with friends with only partial success! |
Lillian Rickett 2020 Valedictorian Hilhi |
Post-High School Plan: Gonzaga to study Business Administration. Favorite School Memory: Either my first student government retreat or traveling with different sports teams. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Get involved, whether that's sports, Band, Theater, clubs - because it's a great way to meet people you may not have otherwise met. |
Ian Bermudez Rivera 2020 Valedictorian Liberty High School |
Post-High School Plan: OIT to study Renewable Energy Engineering and Electrical Engineering and playing on the Soccer team. Favorite School Memory: This year's Soccer season because we had so many people showing up to our games and we did really well. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Make good use of all the time you have. Join clubs and sports and other activities like that. Surround yourself with good people and make lots of connections with both teachers and friends. |
Annika Boyd 2020 Valedictorian Liberty High School |
Post-High School Plan: PCC to study Electrical Engineering. Favorite School Memory: Not sure I have a favorite memory, but it was always really cool when the Hip-Hop Dance Team did their routines during assemblies. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Don't just follow the school's career pathways or else you're going to miss out on classes you really want to try. |
Alyssa Chronister |
Post-High School Plan: PCC to study Architectural Design and Drafting. Favorite School Memory: Going to State with our Basketball Team. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Enjoy every minute of it and find a good group of friends that you can lean on for support. |
Annika Czeck 2020 Valedictorian Liberty High School |
Post-High School Plan: OSU to study Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Favorite School Memory: Going to San Francisco with my Robotics team to attend a championship tournament - that was super cool. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Don't be afraid to quit something. Sometimes that's the best option for yourself. If you are the kind of person who, like for me, if something's wrong I just want to work at it and work at it and work at it - but sometimes that just ends in frustration and crying. So let yourself have a break once in a while. |
Max Eltzroth 2020 Valedictorian Liberty High School |
Post-High School Plan: PSU with an undecided major. Favorite School Memory: There are so many neat people and so many neat classes I've been through, I can't reallly choose a favorite memory. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Don't be afraid to be wrong. I personally say that it's better to know that you're wrong than think that you're right - that way you can learn. So don't be afraid - don't be afraid to be wrong. |
Owen Engbretson 2020 Valedictorian Liberty High School |
Post-High School Plan: Carnegie Mellon University to study Math and Economics. Favorite School Memory: My favorite memory was with Lacrosse and beating Glencoe! Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Set a goal early on so you have something to work towards. It will make the boring and difficult stuff easier if you have something you want to work towards. |
Phuong Kim Huynh 2020 Valedictorian Liberty High School |
Post-High School Plan: Pacific University to study Film and Media Production and Graphic Design. Favorite School Memory: Being the student director for the play - it taught me how to deal with incompetent individuals and also competent individuals. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: You should cry. It's ok. If you feel like crying, just cry. |
Gabriel Jones 2020 Valedictorian Liberty High School |
Post-High School Plan: OSU Honors College to study Bioengineering and minor in Marine Biology. Favorite School Memory: Beating Grant in the first round of the State Football Playoffs this year. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Try to get involved in as much stuff as you can and really try to put yourself out there in the community and help people out who are around you. |
Benjamin Kurtin 2020 Valedictorian Liberty High School |
Post-High School Plan: I'm taking a gap year, then going to college for Computer Science and Game Design. Favorite School Memory: Going to Houston for the World Championships two times with my Robotics team. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Do what you love. You should always communicate with people and you should always take care of yourself and self-reflect on your actions or state of being. |
Teyah Mills 2020 Valedictorian Liberty High School |
Post-High School Plan: University of Washington to study Biology. Favorite School Memory: Decorating our senior parking spots this year. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Try and surround yourself with good people from the start. It's not worth it to try and fit in with people you don't generally enjoy because, like everyone is saying, high school is too short so you should just enjoy it. |
Azucena Morales Santos 2020 Valedictorian Liberty High School |
Post-High School Plan: Lewis and Clark with an undecided major. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Embrace change because you're going to meet new people, you're going to lose friends, but t the same time that's a moment of growing and getting to understand things that are going on in life. Just remember you're not alone and that you have your teachers and your friends. And if you don't have friends, then you have me - somehow! |
Alina Nguyen 2020 Valedictorian Liberty High School |
Post-High School Plan: PSU to study Business. Favorite School Memory: Working on our school farm to grow produce. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Take time to explore your interest and to prioritize your health and don't forget to reach out to others when you really need it. |
Clara Robbins 2020 Valedictorian Liberty High School |
Post-High School Plan: Southern Oregon University to study Physical Education and Health Science and play Basketball. Favorite School Memory: Freshman year when our Basketball team spent the night at the school. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Make the most of it and have as much fun as you can and join sports! |
Goirick Saha 2020 Valedictorian Liberty High School |
Post-High School Plan: University of Virginia to study Computer Science. Favorite School Memory: My junior year when our Robotics team got to go to the Houston World Championships and we became finalists. Advice for Incoming Freshmen:Be involved in school and clubs to the best of your abilities and make connections with people as often as you can while also asking questions. You shouldn't feel ashamed of asking questions because people are there to help you. |
Mary Sherden 2020 Valedictorian Liberty High School |
Post-High School Plan: Either Gonzaga or University of Portland to study Communications with a Music minor. Favorite School Memory: Either running on the Track team or singing in Choir. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Communicate with your teachers - they're there to help you and you can get a lot done if you communicate with them early and make a plan. |
Breeze Bartle 2020 Salutatorian Liberty High School |
Post-High School Plan: Pacific Lutheran University to study Kinesiology and play on the Volleyball team. Favorite School Memory: Going to State for Basketball, but unfortunately that was canceled. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Don't be satisfied with the outcome and know you can always push yourself more than you think you can. |
Mallori Boddy 2020 Salutatorian Liberty High School |
Post-High School Plan: University of Portland to study Nursing. Favorite School Memory: Playing on the Soccer team and scoring a goal with a header. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: Make the most of every experience/opportunity that you're presented and focus on more positives than negatives because you never know what could happen and you just want to have the best memories possible. |
Anji Chon |
Post-High School Plan: PSU to study English. Favorite School Memory: One of my favorite school memories is participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and meeting my word count goal. Thanks to my experience, I was able to write something akin to a novel for the first time and get my ideas down. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: When you run into an obstacle and feel overwhelmed, take a step back, breathe, and remember to take things one step at a time. If you work towards your goal with everything you've got, you'll reach it. |
Madeline Ineson 2020 Salutatorian Liberty High School |
Post-High School Plan: Gonzaga to study Nursing. Favorite School Memory: Playing Volleyball. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: View every experience as a growth opportunity and lead a balanced life between your social life and academic life. |
Rebecca Norman 2020 Salutatorian Liberty High School |
Post-High School Plan: Either University of Glasgow or University of South Hampton in Great Britain, depending on AP test stuff. Favorite School Memory: Being in Color Guard. Advice for Incoming Freshmen: For the perfectionists out there: don't worry about grades! Grades are not everything. It's ok if you don't get As on everything. |