2023 Valedictorians and Salutatorians
On Thursday, May 25 we had the privilege of gathering and celebrating HSD’s ninety-two Class of 2023 Valedictorians and Salutatorians at a luncheon event at Hidden Creek Community Center. Superintendent Mike Scott, Mayor Steve Callaway, Chamber President Deanna Palm, Hillsboro Schools Foundation Executive Director Aron Carleson, and School Board Chair Mark Watson were all on hand to congratulate our highest achievers and wish them well on their journey beyond high school.
Students’ plans include attending colleges and universities in Oregon, across the U.S., and even abroad. Regardless of their next steps, they have all learned some valuable lessons along the way and took a moment to share their words of wisdom for incoming 9th graders. Way to go, Vals & Sals! You make us Proud to be HSD! Scroll down to see photo highlights...
Century High School
Hillsboro High School
Glencoe High School
Liberty High School
Hillsboro Online Academy - Natalie Allen