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2015-16 Campaign

2015-16 HSD HS Anti-Bullying Campaign

2015-16 Anti-Bullying Campaign Roll-Out Commitments

Implementation Goals:

November: Planning Month (Meet with site facilitators from each secondary school, identify Student Leadership Group [SLG] at each building, begin monthly meetings with SLGs)

February: Plan Summit/Conference to provide further support and training to SLGs.

April/May: Bring all Student Leadership Groups together to share ideas and develop a plan for starting 2016-17 school year. Brainstorm plan for implementing campaign down to elementary schools. 

  1. Educate students, staff, and community about campaign
    1. Print materials visible in school-School activities-Schools work on developing a PSA
  2. Work with school leadership (student and admin) on activities to incorporate messaging consistently throughout year
    1. Announcements
    2. Assemblies
    3. Activities
    4. Other events to promote the messaging
    5. Identify clubs and groups to assist in the messaging and ownership of the campaign
  3. Other activities to consider:
    1. Participate in October Anti-bullying month activities
    2. 30 minutes of classroom instruction per month (Health)
    3. Student survey (share data w/students)
    4. Staff survey
    5. Staff Training
    6. Anti-Bully Summit/Conference