2015-16 Campaign
2015-16 HSD HS Anti-Bullying Campaign
Implementation Goals:
November: Planning Month (Meet with site facilitators from each secondary school, identify Student Leadership Group [SLG] at each building, begin monthly meetings with SLGs)
February: Plan Summit/Conference to provide further support and training to SLGs.
April/May: Bring all Student Leadership Groups together to share ideas and develop a plan for starting 2016-17 school year. Brainstorm plan for implementing campaign down to elementary schools.
- Educate students, staff, and community about campaign
- Print materials visible in school-School activities-Schools work on developing a PSA
- Work with school leadership (student and admin) on activities to incorporate messaging consistently throughout year
- Announcements
- Assemblies
- Activities
- Other events to promote the messaging
- Identify clubs and groups to assist in the messaging and ownership of the campaign
- Other activities to consider:
- Participate in October Anti-bullying month activities
- 30 minutes of classroom instruction per month (Health)
- Student survey (share data w/students)
- Staff survey
- Staff Training
- Anti-Bully Summit/Conference