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Dyslexia Legislation: SB1003

Monitoring Reading Foundational Skills in HSD

Hillsboro School District is dedicated to engaging and challenging all learners to ensure academic excellence in biliteracy. In alignment with our strategic plan areas of equity, inclusion, and bilingual programs, the Office of School Performance has developed a system to monitor student progress in reading foundational skills.

How can I help my child?

You can play word/sound games with your child anywhere! The best part is you don’t need any supplies or materials. In our family, we often play in the car, using vocabulary from our surroundings! Click here for examples.

Phonemic Awareness

Early Literacy Assessment in Kindergarten


  • Historically in HSD we monitor student progress on foundational skills in literacy.
  • Beginning in 2018-2019 we implemented a computer adaptive screener tool, in combination with a rapid naming assessment, for all kindergarten students.

Responding to data through intervention

  • Based on the data from the screener, teachers can identify which students need additional support in foundational skills.
  • Classroom teachers use flexible groups to differentiate literacy instruction based on student data from the screening assessment.
  • Teachers use progress monitoring assessments to measure the growth students make in their reading skills.

Oregon State Bill 1003 (SB1003)

  • General Education bill for screening and early intervention of kindergarteners for reading challenges.
  • Identifying children at risk of reading difficulties based on screening of:
    • Phonological awareness
    • Rapid Naming (letters and sounds)
    • Correspondence between sounds and letters
    • Family history of reading difficulties
  • Provide interventions early to rewire the brain before age 8
  • We communicate with families about the progress of any student who does not make growth in their reading foundational skills.

What is Dyslexia?

Gina McLain
Gina McLain
Director of Teaching and Learning

Amy Blakey
Jaime Goldstein
Reading Intervention Compliance TOSA
