Mental Health Care Coordinators
Mental Health Care Coordinators
The Care Coordinators are a team of Masters level mental health professionals who work to connect students and families with meaningful mental health services. Each Care Coordinator serves a feeder system of schools, grades K-12. The Care Coordinator offices are located at South Meadows Middle School, but they are most often in schools and the community.
Who can be referred to the Care Coordinator program?
- HSD students and families interested in knowing more about mental health resources in the community, understanding mental health issues and treatment, and discovering how mental health supports can benefit academic success and wellbeing.
How can my student/family be referred to a Care Coordinator?
- Contact your child’s school counselor to request Care Coordination.
What does a Care Coordinator do when referred a student?
- Visit. Care Coordinator visits with parent/guardian at the school, their home, or in the community to better understand the needs of the student. If it is more convenient, the Care Coordinator can schedule a phone meeting or exchange information via email.
- Recommendations. Based on the needs of the family, the Care Coordinator offers recommendations for mental health services in the community.
- Insurance. Care Coordinators have expertise in all insurances and Medicaid, including options for those who are uninsured.
- Best Fit. The Care Coordinator helps find a therapist who is the ‘best fit’ for the student/family, taking into consideration the symptoms, age of student, medical insurance, location, cultural issues, language, etc.
- Other Resources. Depending on the interests of the family, the Care Coordinator can also help connect with support groups, parenting classes, and community support systems.
Other roles of the Care Coordinators:
- School Care Teams. Care Coordinators consult regarding students with attendance, behavior, psychosocial concerns.
- Flight Team Support. Care Coordinators organize and lead counselor teams that provide grief support to a school in the aftermath of a student or staff death.
- Suicide Prevention. Care Coordinators coordinate the suicide prevention efforts of HSD.
- Multi-Disciplinary Safety Teams. Care Coordinators participate on the HSD Threat Assessment and Sexual Incident Response teams.
Tip Sheets on locating Mental Health Services
HSD Administration Center
3083 NE 49th Place
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Mental Health Care Coordinator
503.844.1236, ext. 61693
Mental Health Care Coordinator
503.844.1236, ext. 61697
Mental Health Care Coordinator
503.844.1236, ext. 61696
Melissa Krueger, MA
Mental Health Care Coordinator
(on leave thru November 2024, substitute is Maritza Carranza, MA)
503-844-1236, ext. 61691
Bilingual Administrative Assistant
Jenny Cary
Coordinator of Mental and Behavioral Health
Supervisor of Care Coordinator Program
Dani Johnson
Atfalati Ridge ES Principal
Care Coordinator Support