Business and Management
About Business and Management
The Business and Management career learning area focuses on the business and entrepreneurial needs of Oregon's students as they prepare to enter and succeed in the world of business. The careers in this area span virtually every industry in the world. Studies in Business and Management focus on the commonalities among most businesses, including concepts like personnel management, marketing, planning, finance, and resource management. This area also includes careers in the hospitality and tourism fields.
--Oregon Department of Education
These high school programs are related to the Business and Management career area:
Century | Glencoe | Hillsboro | Liberty |
Community Service Opportunities
Here are five ideas for you to look into in the local area (in Hillsboro, unless otherwise stated):
- City of Hillsboro Youth Advisory Council
- City of Hillsboro Boards and Commissions
- School-related snack shops
- Friends of Hillsboro Public Library Book Sale
- Youth Contact Family Resource Center
Dual Credit Opportunities
The following courses enable you to earn credits in high school and through the college indicated.
MHCC = Mount Hood Community College
PCC = Portland Community College
PSU = Portland State University
Century High School
- Computer Applications (PCC)
- Statistics (PSU)
Glencoe High School
- Accounting 1 (PCC)
Liberty High School
- Introduction to Culinary Arts (MHCC)
- Advanced Culinary Arts (MHCC)
- Gourmet Foods & Hospitality (MHCC)
High School Course Catalogs
B&M Coursework
Related Coursework
- Accounting
- Computer Keyboarding/
Applications - Culinary Arts/Foods and Nutrition
- Economics
- Finance/Financial Planning
- Leadership
- Marketing
- Speech
- Statistics