Exchange Students
The Hillsboro School District is interested in furthering international understanding through international education and student exchange programs. The documents on this page outline the general process and protocol for enrolling exchange students in Hillsboro School District high schools.
Policy JECBA and JECBA-AR - Admission of Exchange Students
Foreign Exchange
- Exchange Organization Requirements
- Exchange Organization Responsibilities
- Student Requirements and Application
- Common Guidelines/Exchange Student Status
- Annual Timeline for Exchange Student Lottery/Placement
Exchange Organization Requirements
Programs wishing to enroll exchange students in the district must meet the following requirements:
1. New exchange organizations must be approved by the superintendent or designee no later than
March 1st. Returning organizations must declare no later than March 15th their intent to enroll students the following year;
2. The exchange organization must have a local representative who is available to meet with the
designated school administrator representative, the student and the host family.
3. The exchange organization representative must provide information required by the district and have it on file at the district office;
4. The exchange organization must have been approved by and be in good standing for the current
school year with the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) and be a
United States Information Agency (USIA) designated organization.
5. The exchange organization must be sponsored by a nonprofit organization;
6. The selection of the host family and home placement must be made prior to the student’s arrival in
Hillsboro. Noncompliance with this provision can result in the immediate suspension or revocation of the approved status of an international exchange program.
Exchange Organization Responsibilities
The international student exchange program shall be responsible for assuring that all matters associated with the exchange are facilitated. This includes, but is not limited to:
1. Working with the appropriate governmental agencies to ensure that the prospective international exchange student has fulfilled all requirements for entry into the United States on a J-1 visa. Hillsboro School District does not issue US Immigration Form I-20.
2. Assuming all financial and legal responsibility for the international exchange student.
3. Providing the District with a copy of the student application materials as set forth in Section III below.
4. Assuming responsibility for all matters associated with living arrangements for the international exchange student, such as selecting and orienting the host family involved in the international exchange program.
5. Informing the international exchange student of the policies of the District at the time of the student’s acceptance by the international exchange student agency.
6. Selection of the host family and home placement must be made prior to the student’s arrival in the District. Noncompliance with this provision can result in the immediate suspension or revocation of the approved status of the exchange program. A 30-day emergency placement will be accepted for extenuating circumstances as related to the original host family placement. Communication must be made within 48 hours of the placement change to the office of Teaching and Learning.
7. The exchange program and the host family shall assume the final responsibility for resolving problems including, if necessary, the early return home of the international exchange student because of personal, family or school difficulties which cannot be resolved.
Student Requirements and Application
Students must be of high school age, with preference given to students who are entering their junior or senior year. It is at the school administrator’s discretion whether or not they want to accept students who are entering their freshman or sophomore year.
Students must be at least 15 years of age, but not more than 18 years and six months of age as of the program start date; or
Not have finished more than 11 years of primary and secondary school, not including kindergarten; and
Not have previously participated in a secondary school student academic year or semester exchange program or attended school in the United States in either F-1 or J-1 status.
Students must be coming through a program that’s on the U.S. Department of State’s Designated Sponsor Organizations list.
This means the student will have a J-1 visa.
Neither Hillsboro School District nor any of our high schools has the accreditation required to host students through private placements. We would have to be able to provide the student with an I-20 form for an F-1 visa, which can only be granted by a high school that is SEVP-certified (Student and Exchange Visitor Program). The certification requires the completion of a petition, application, payment of filing fee, and site visit fee per campus location ($1700 + $655/site).
Exchange organizations shall be able to show evidence of bonding and sufficient insurance to pay claims attendant to illness, accident or death of an exchange student, and possible liability of the host family.
Applications for admission must be received by July 1 for the following academic year.
A complete student application packet will include translated copies of the student’s transcript, with U.S. equivalent grading key; language proficiency test with score; and Immunization records, translated into English, in addition to any sponsoring agency paperwork (e.g. certificate of insurance).
Students must reside with a host or sponsor family within District boundaries. Exchange students may not transfer to or from other districts except in cases of extreme hardship for the host family or the exchange student, and where this transfer does not conflict with federal, state, or local statutes or policies.
Exchange students are expected to attend the neighborhood school of their host family.
Exchange student placements per high school will not exceed one half of one percent of student enrollment, plus an additional placement for each student from that school studying abroad as part of an approved exchange program.
Once accepted, the student and/or host family must complete the enrollment process per school guidelines.
Maximum length of enrollment is one school year.
Exchange students are subject to the same rules and behavior expectations as all other students.
Exchange students may participate in the same activities and are subject to the same participation fees as other students.
Exchange students who meet the necessary criteria will be eligible to walk at graduation and receive an honorary diploma.
Common Guidelines/Exchange Student Status
1. Participation in Student Activities
Exchange students will be allowed to participate in all extracurricular activities available to them at the assigned school except where prohibited by restrictions of the international exchange program. All exchange programs shall make provisions for the payment and support of these costs associated with the students’ participation in all phases of student activities.
Students shall be governed by the Oregon School Activities Association rules and regulations and District policies regarding participation in interscholastic athletic competition.
2. All students are expected to follow school policies and regulations. Violation may result in termination of the student’s exchange status.
3. Teachers and staff assistants will not devote additional instructional time to exchange students.
4. Students will not be provided admission into such programs as Special Education, English as a Second Language, nor shall it pay for students to attend other schools or institutions of higher education.
5. Financial Support-
School-related expenses shall be the responsibility of the exchange program and the host family. The student may finance school-related expenses if the student is able. The student or host family shall pay for school lunches, admission to school activities and commemorative items such as yearbook and school ring.
6. Course Credit/Graduation
International exchange students may be graded and evaluated academically with the same criteria as domestic students. Failure to make academic progress may result in termination of the international exchange.
Credits will be granted for successfully completed course work.
An official diploma will not be awarded, although a student who completes assigned course work successfully will receive a certificate of participation.
Students who successfully complete assigned senior level coursework may participate in graduation ceremonies.
Annual Timeline for Exchange Student Lottery/Placement
Timeframe |
Task |
October/November |
Update the Exchange Organizations Contact List with any new approved agencies and new program manager contacts. |
Early December |
Contact exchange organization contacts to inform them of the student lottery and placement process for the following school year. |
December - March |
Field any questions from exchange organizations. Begin to receive requests from organizations for student and school placements. This will be used for lottery process. |
January |
Determine the number of exchange student placement slots at each high school for the following school year. |
January |
Review exchange student policy and placement information with school level administrators and counselors. |
March 15 |
Final deadline for exchange organizations to submit their desire for student placements. |
March 15-31 |
Prepare for lottery, only if necessary, if we have requests for more placements than high schools are willing to host. Lottery should be done per school based on the request of student placements at that school from the exchange organizations. |
No later than March 31 |
Conduct lottery for student placements, if necessary |
First week of April |
After April 7 |
Exchange organizations may now work directly with schools on student registration and other logistics of student placement |
David Nieslanik
Executive Director of High Schools
Hillsboro School District
Office for School Performance
3083 NE 49th Place
Hillsboro, OR 97124