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Students Accessing English Language Services

Students Accessing English Language Services

English learners (ELs) are one of the fastest-growing student populations in U.S. schools.  Under federal Title III law, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), students whose primary or home language is other than English and qualify for English learner services are to receive specialized language development instruction in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.  

Hillsboro School District maximizes EL program services for approximately 27% of total district enrolled students. The EL Program is designed to support students to actively achieve high academic levels in English in order to meet the same challenging state academic content standards that all students are expected to reach by accessing and engaging in rigorous, deep, and accelerated learning.

HSD Educational Goals for ELs:

  • Develop English proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening as well as using their primary language whenever necessary.
  • Engage in inclusive, heterogeneous learning environments to accelerate English proficiency level progress.
  • Maximize their learning since language acquisition and content development are simultaneous and interdependent.
  • Value cultural heritage and grow cross-cultural skills.
  • Develop, pride, connections, involvement, and a sense of belonging within the school community.
  • Acknowledge that language is an asset where bilingualism is a characteristic of college-and career-ready students.
  • Graduate college-and career-ready by attaining high achievement standards across academic subject areas.
  • Lead productive lives as citizens in the community, the nation, and the world.

Hillsboro School District believes that our ELs and their families bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and global perspective to the educational setting.  Building on their rich tapestry of linguistic and cultural assets offers a foundation to foster the academic and interpersonal skills necessary for students to thrive in our global and ever interdependent society.

For additional information please contact the Director of Federal Programs or visit the Oregon Department of Education, Title III English Learners.


Please contact the school directly for information about their programs and opportunities for your child to participate.

Olga Acuña
Director of Federal Programs

Arcema Tovar
Director of Multilingual Programs 

Gina Mclain
Director of  Elementary Teaching and Learning

Becky Kingsmith
Director of Secondary Teaching and Learning

Nicole Mito Ahern
Multilingual Programs TOSA

Elisabet Barrera
Data Technician

Contact Us

Administration Center
3083 NE 49th Place #200
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124-6009
Phone: 503.844.1450
FAX: 503.844.1782