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Hillsboro School District uses a variety of methods for teaching, modeling, and supporting positive behavior in all of our schools. Positive behavior includes being safe, responsible, respectful, kind, and attentive in class, as well as following school rules.

At the elementary level, there are two primary programs in use: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS); and the PAX Good Behavior Game (GBG).

As students move into the middle schools and high schools, the expectations and principles remain the same; however, the delivery and structures are more developmentally-matched to the preteen and teen student.

Recent additions to our schools have been wellness centers. Run as a pilot in six elementary schools in 2016-17, wellness centers are now operational in thirteen of our elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school. Wellness centers are a place where students can learn and practice the skills of self-regulation. They employ trauma-informed principles to offer students (and staff!) the opportunity to engage in calming, reflective activities that help them prepare to return to the learning environment.

For students who need additional support in demonstrating expected school behaviors, there are Behavior Support Plans (BSPs).

Please refer to the pages on the left-hand side of this screen to learn more about how HSD approaches behavior in our schools.


Behavior questions should first be directed to your child's teacher, counselor, and/or administrator. If you have additional questions, please contact one of the following staff members at the District Office: 503-844-1500.

Francesca Sinapi
Equity, Access and Engagement Officer

Gina McLain
Director of Elementary Teaching and Learning  

Becky Kingsmith
Director of Secondary Teaching and Learning

Wendy Ramos
Director of Student Services

Chelsea Pollick
Director of Student Services

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