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HSD Policy on Education of TAG Students

Section 2: School District Policy on the Education of Talented and Gifted Students 
section 2

Legal references: aligned to ORS 343.397 (1)(a) and OAR 581-022-2500

  1. Local School Board Policies

All TAG-related Board Policies can be accessed on the HSD website

HSD Board Policies with Links



Talented and Gifted Program


TAG - Parent Notification and Participation


TAG Identification


Appeals Procedure for TAG Identification and Placement

IGBBC D1.pdf

Talented and Gifted Services


Complaints Regarding the TAG Program

  1. Implementation of Talented & Gifted Education Programs and Services

Hillsboro School District's TAG program identifies students who are intellectually gifted and/or academically talented in reading and math, as demonstrated by, Gifted profiles and rating scales, anecdotal information, and work samples, as well as through additional screening.

  • Vision
    The Hillsboro School District, in collaboration with parents and community members, will recognize and actively support gifted and high potential students so they may achieve academic and personal excellence in a rigorous and relevant learning environment.
    Gifted students will 

    • Become analytical thinkers, creative producers, and practical problem solvers,

    • Develop and demonstrate individual confidence and personal responsibility, and

    • Use their gifts to contribute to the betterment of their community.

  • Differentiation in curricula, instruction, and assessment will

    • Stimulate and challenge gifted students to expand their intellectual horizons,

    • Emphasize advanced, conceptually challenging, in-depth, distinctive, and complex content,

    • Be specific to individual student's assessed levels and accelerated rates of learning, and

    • Prepare students to become responsible, broad-minded, contributing members of a diverse society.

  • Gifted Children

    • Gifted children have an intense desire to explore and question their universe.

    • Gifted students are different as learners, often demonstrate unique learning styles, and have academic, emotional, and social needs that must be recognized and nurtured in school.

    • Gifted children must be seen as average with gifts, not as superior with faults.

  • Importance of Gifted Education

    • The goal of the gifted education program is to provide a differentiated curriculum for academically gifted students in the areas of thinking, performance, and research skills, as well as affective awareness necessary to meet their needs.

    • Gifted education provides interventions to accommodate the child's passion for learning and their need for creative expression.

    • Gifted and talented students need a rigorous and relevant curriculum delivered in a creative, flexible, and supportive instructional environment.

  • Diversity

    • Gifted children are diverse compared to their chronological peers due to their elevated intellectual and creative abilities, and need support and validation from those who nurture their giftedness.

    • Giftedness knows no boundaries of socioeconomic class, gender, or race.

  • Environment

    • Gifted children need to associate with their intellectual peers to stimulate learning and contribute to affective development.

    • Appropriate learning environments and strategies foster success providing challenging and rigorous activities that enhance self-esteem.

    • Positive self-esteem enhances lifelong learning and future success.

  • Parents

    • Gifted education supports and values the important role of the family in their child reaching his/her full potential.

  •  Partnerships

    • The partnership of home, school, and community is crucial to the success of gifted children.

Linked Artifacts:

HSD 2023-2027 Strategic Plan

Office for School Performance / Teaching and Learning

5 Dimensions of Teaching


Career & College Pathways / Overview   

Office for School Performance / Curriculum 

Talented and Gifted (TAG) 
Advanced Learners / Overview



Deborah Luther
Phone: 503.844.1500
Fax: 503.844.1540

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