Multiple pathways may lead to a TAG identification. Students enter the identification eligibility process through one of the three options/on-ramps:
Universal screening casting a wide-net (top 20% using local cohort norms) to ensure identification methods do not immediately exclude potential talent
Utilizing Local Performance Assessments for need of differentiated instruction
Inclusion of work samples, classroom observations, and research-based checklists
If a CLED, 504, ML, IEP student performs in the top 5% or 10% in a local cohort norm or greater on the CogAT or NNAT PLUS shows qualitative evidence of gifted characteristics, this automatically qualifies them for TAG.
If the student doesn’t meet both conditions, continue with Questions to Guide Referral Process.
If the initial data satisfies the guiding questions, a case study is then opened to collect additional background information from school and home along with multiple modes and measures of qualitative and quantitative data.
Once a body of evidence has been collected, the case study is reviewed by the School Team to determine if a preponderance supports identification in one or more TAG areas:
Intellectually Gifted
Academically Talented in Math
Academically Talented in Reading
Students who do not yet show a preponderance of evidence continue to be monitored for consideration at a later date.
Decisions are documented accordingly and parents are notified. All documents are filed into the student records in a blue TAG folder and the programming is updated to reflect any identification areas in Synergy. The classroom teacher begins services according to an appropriate TAG Plan.
Multiple modes and methods of data collection used in the identification process.
Use Local Cohort Norms by Cultural, Linguistic, Economic (CLED) or program identifiers to locate students who are out-performing their most similar peer groups
Translated communications with families (Spanish and other languages upon request)
Research-based tools, instruments, or considerations utilized to equitably identify students from underrepresented populations including, but not limited to: students experiencing disabilities, students who are culturally and linguistically diverse
Kingore Observation Inventory - Observations and Planned Experiences
School programming performance history (EL, SpEd, etc.)
Local Cohort Norms by CLED identifiers
Gifted Profiles
Gifted Student Characteristics of Diverse Learners
Characteristics of Gifted English Language Learners
Rate of Language Acquisition
Participation in Dual Language Program
Methods and practices that minimize or seek to eliminate the effects of bias in assessment and identification practices
Contributors to the Case Study use the “See Me” Checklist to reflect on their implicit biases and inclusive identification practices throughout the referral process.
A tool or method for determining a threshold of when preponderance of evidence is met.
The School Review Team evaluates the Case Study to determine if the student shows a pattern of need, or preponderance of evidence, to receive instructional services that foster academic growth and appropriate challenge.
TAG Eligibility Team
The team is school-based and may include or not limited to
TAG Coordinator
Teacher(s) specialized in TAG
Classroom Teacher
Department Leads
Instructional Coaches
Other Staff
Documents that are included in the students’ cumulative record file regarding TAG identification and the eligibility teams’ process to determine identification
Students referred for TAG Identification will receive a blue folder which includes:
How is the screener used in the identification process (i.e. what percentile threshold, if any, is used to initiate the eligibility process; and how are percentiles used to promote, rather than extinguish, eligibility)?
100% of scores are Nominated for TAG Identification
10-20% of scores are Considered for TAG Identification using a Case Study
Additional students are considered if supporting data is collected
5-10% of scores are Selected for TAG Identification when a preponderance of evidence is found
CLED students who perform in the top 10% in a local cohort norm or greater on the CogAT or NNAT PLUS show qualitative evidence of gifted characteristics, this automatically qualifies them for TAG.
No single data point can eliminate a student from the referral process.
C. Portability of TAG Identification
Key Questions
District Policy and Practices
Does your district accept TAG identification from other districts in Oregon?
Yes, if there is documentation of the use of evidence-based practices that include using multiple modes and measures of data to determine if a student demonstrates a pattern of exceptional performance and/or achievement that is relevant to the identification of TAG students under district procedures and ORS 343.395
Does your district accept TAG identification from other states?
Yes, if there is documentation of the use of evidence-based practices that include using multiple modes and measures of data to determine if a student demonstrates a pattern of exceptional performance and/or achievement that is relevant to the identification of TAG students under district procedures and ORS 343.395
Do local norms influence the decision to honor identification from other districts and states?