What special programs or services will be provided to accomplish the goals?
Implementation Timeline
How will progress be measured?
How will success be measured?
Decrease disparities in TAG Identification by race by 3% by 2026.
Training staff in identification best practices, including use of local norms, as a means to services.
Training HSD Family Liaisons in the HSD TAG Identification Process so they can better inform families.
Present HSD TAG Identification Process with Parent Equity Groups. (Educational Equity Advisory Committee (EEAC), Black Village, and Pacific Asian, etc)
November 2022 - Attended nationalNAGC conference with Bilingual Programs TOSA
February 2023- Presented TAG Updates to the EEAC.
November 2022 - Attended national TESOL conference with Bilingual Programs TOSA
October 2022 thru April 2023 - trainings on updated practices and feedback gathered during Monthly TAG Coordinator Meetings
March-April 2023 - trainings on updated practices and feedback gathered during Elementary TAG Coordinator Work Days
Monitor and adjust to the comparison of the percentage of TAG identified students to total District students by demographics will be closer by 3 percentage points. Find the difference between percentages.
Completion of trainings with staff sign-in and exit ticket feedback for accountability
Counting and comparing district enrollment demographics to students identified as TAG.
Improve equitable identification practices by providing training of gifted characteristics to teachers, education specialists, and classroom support staff and incorporating the use of local norms at building levels, by the end of the Spring 2025 school year.
Training in identification best practices, including use of local norms, as a means to services.
Provide training specific to instructional practices that promote and foster academic growth for students identified as TAG
August 2022- TAG identification and services presentation at TAG Coordinator Kick-Off PD.
October 2022 thru April 2023 - trainings on updated practices and feedback gathered during Monthly TAG Coordinator Meetings
March-April 2023 - trainings on updated practices and feedback gathered during Elementary TAG Coordinator Work Days
Completion of trainings with staff sign-in and exit ticket feedback for accountability
Revising district documents specific to identification to include use of local norms
Examine identification data (who was nominated and identified), and how that compares to the year prior
A1. Utilize an inclusive process to engage educators, students, and other community partners in the review and adoption of culturally responsive curriculum materials by
content area while adhering to the Oregon Department of Education Instructional Materials Timeline.
A2. Provide ongoing professional development and support
in order to guarantee high-quality implementation of
curricula and assessments of student learning across the
A3. Implement personalized learning for each student, that
Explanation of TAG programs and services available to identified students
Notified at time of TAG Identification of Pyramid of Services (Spanish -English)
Fall Family-Teacher Conferences with Classroom Teachers
Ongoing with Classroom Teachers
District Website
Opportunities for families to provide input and discuss programs and services their student receives
Fall Family-Teacher Conferences with Classroom Teachers
Ongoing with Classroom Teachers
Explanation of the TAG learning plan (Personal Education Plans or Instructional Plans), if available
Fall Family-Teacher Conferences with Classroom Teachers
Ongoing with Classroom Teachers
TAG informational events (elementary) - where parents learn about TAG profiles, explanations of district and schools programs and services, etc.
School-based TAG Information Evenings (ie Fall Back to School Nights, etc)
Fall, Winter, Spring Parent Sessions
TAG informational events (middle school) - where parents learn about TAG profiles, explanations of services and programs offered to TAG identified students, transition expectations from elementary to middle school, etc.
School-based TAG Information Evenings (ie Fall Back to School Nights, etc)
Fall, Winter, Spring Parent Sessions
TAG informational events (high school) - where parents learn about TAG profiles, explanations of services and programs offered to TAG identified students, transition expectations from middle to high school, etc.
School-based TAG Information Evenings (ie Fall Back to School Nights, etc)
Fall, Winter, Spring Parent Sessions
Notification to parents of their option to request withdrawal of a student from TAG services
Notified at time of TAG Identification of Parent Rights
Fall Family-Teacher Conferences with Classroom Teachers
Ongoing with Classroom Teachers
District Website
Notification of the right to file a complaint concerning TAG programs or services, beginning with district-level complaint process
Notified at time of TAG Identification of Parent Rights
Fall Family-Teacher Conferences with Classroom Teachers
Ongoing with Classroom Teachers
District Website
Designated district or building contact to provide district-level TAG plans to families upon request