Boundary Process
AFES/NPES Boundary Process (2021)
Virtual meetings were held on Feb. 25, March 4 and March 11, 2021, for the boundary process committee to review and discuss the proposed attendance boundary for the new Atfalati Ridge Elementary School. It is drawn from the existing North Plains Elementary attendance area and essentially divides the student enrollment between the two schools. A very small portion of the Patterson Elementary attendance area was also included to smooth out the new boundary (no HSD students are currently in this portion).
The new attendance areas will determine which students will attend Atfalati Ridge or North Plains in fall 2021 when the new school opens.
View the boundary map being recommended to the School Board by the committee.
An online survey form is provided as a means for the community to provide comments or questions about the proposal. Printed forms also are available at the North Plains school office.
Meeting Schedule
Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
- February 25 - review draft 1 . Agenda . Meeting video
- March 4 - review draft 2 . Agenda . Meeting video
- March 11 - refine proposal, begin drafting recommendation . Agenda . Meeting video
- March 18 - cancelled; meeting not needed