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2020 Archive

Virtual Tour

Guión del recorrido virtual

Carol Hatfield, Executive Director of Transportation, and Dave Peterson, Facilities Coordinator, host this virtual tour of the new Transportation and Support Services facility:

Photo 1: buses serving north routes are lined up in their parking spots on the new Transportation campus.

aerial view of campus with buses

Photo 2: furniture is being moved into the building, including the dispatch offices.

furniture move into dispatch office

Photos 3 and 4: in the maintenance section, individual offices for administrative staff as well as grouped offices for use by field staff are being furnished.

maintenance office

maintenance group office area

Photos 5 and 6: tables and chairs are being set up in the facilities staff break room and training area. A room divider in the middle can separate the areas as needed.

facilities staff break room

facilities training/meeting room

Photo 1: a vinyl, abstract district routing map is placed on the second floor of the entryway glass.

district routing map on entryway glass

Photo 2: this aerial view of the Transportation site shows the completed parking lots and striping.

aerial view of completed site exterior

Photo 3: aerial view of the rear of the building, with fueling stations at the left and a maintenance vehicle shed at the right.

aerial view of rear of site

Photo 4: completing the entry area outside is the installation of a flag pole.

installation of flag pole

Photo 5: finishing touches in the main office area include carpeting and casework.

carpeting and casework installation in main office

Photo 6: casework is being completed in the staff break/training room.

casework installation in break room

Photo 7: the bus maintenance bays are getting its final painting and other finishes.

near-complete bus maintenance bay

Photo 1: asphalt paving is nearly complete in the bus area, entry gates are operational, and fencing and landscaping are being installed.

aerial view of Transportation site

Photo 2: crew members touch up the exterior of the entryway.

exterior touch-up at entryway

Photo 3: rolling covers for the bus lifts are being installed.

installation of bus lift cover

Photo 4: ceiling fans are being installed in the carpentry area.

ceiling fan installation

Photos 5-8: interior painting has been completed on the first floor and is underway on the second floor.

paint job in first-floor hallway

paint job in main office area

paint job in staff break room/kitchen area

painting underway on second floor

Photo 1: a crew member finishes the connections for the air and fluid hoses.

connecting air and fluid hoses

Photo 2: the elevator has been installed.

elevator installation

Photos 3 and 4: sheetrocking is complete on the first floor and is being prepared for painting, including the main office area and the driver break room.

sheetrocked office area

sheetrocked break/conference room

Photos 5-7: on the second floor, sheetrocking and final fastening continues.

sheetrocking second-floor hallway

female crew member fastening braces

unfinished CTE lab

Photo 8: concrete slabs are being poured at the shop entries.

pouring concrete slab at shop entry

Photo 9: the half-street improvement adjacent to the site has been paved, and the main entryway is about to receive another lift of asphalt.

half-street improvement and entry paving

Photo 1: recent exterior work includes installation of parking lot lights by PGE and installation of curbs for the automobile parking lot adjacent to Jacobson Road.

aerial view of site

Photo 2: aerial view of the rear of the site.

aerial view of the rear of site

Photo 3: work has started on the elevator.

elevator shaft under construction

Photo 4: drywall seams have been taped and finished in the office area.

office area drywall finishing

Photo 5: work continues in the bus maintenance bay.

continuing work in maintenance bay

Photo 6: the diesel mechanic CTE classroom.

CTE classroom

Photo 7: half-street improvements on Jacobson Road as required by the city.

half-street improvements

Photo 1: a crew member adds weatherstripping to the windows.

weatherstripping windows

Photo 2: retractable hoses for air and fluids have been added to the bus maintenance bay.

retractable hoses in maintenance bay

Photo 3: the first floor offices and conference rooms have been sheetrocked.

first floor offices sheetrocked

Photo 4: the canopy has been installed over the maintenance vehicle storage area.

maintenance vehicle storage area

Photo 5: the front of the building so far.

front of Transportation building

Photo 6: the back of the building so far; the bus wash canopy is on the left side.

back of Transportation building

Photos 1 and 2: aerial views show construction work in all parts of the site, front and back.

aerial view of front of building

aerial view of back of building

Photos 3 and 4: on the first floor, work continues overhead with HVAC ductwork and conduit, while sheetrocking has started over the wall framing in the offices.

crew member works on overhead conduit

sheetrocking in first floor office

Photos 5 and 6: construction remains active in the bus maintenance bay.

aerial view of front of building

crew member cutting into frame

Photo 7: traps are placed in trenches behind the bus maintenance bay to collect automotive grease and prevent it from going into the sewer.

automotive grease traps

Photo 8: concrete tilt walls have been erected for the maintenance equipment storage area.

equipment storage area walls

Photos 1 and 2: crew members are installing the frames for the second-floor classroom windows from the outside, while another works on them from the inside.

aerial view of window frame installation

interior view of window frame installation

Photo 3: an aerial view of the site shows construction work in all areas, including: the window frame installation in the foreground; parking lot curbing to the left; installation of concrete slab for facilities equipment at the upper left; bus wash canopy and a fuel island to the right of the building; and roofing work above.

aerial view of building site

Photos 4 and 5: framing is complete on the first floor, and sheetrocking will commence.

framing on first floor of building

framing on first floor of building

Photo 6: workers install a pipe.

workers install a pipe

Photo 7: another crew member affixes an electrical outlet box to a wall frame.

worker affixing an outlet box

Photo 8: a protective concrete bollard is installed and checked for levelness in front of the bus maintenance bays.

bollard installation

Photos 1-3: inside the building, crews continue overhead work on conduit and HVAC ducts, while framing in the diesel mechanic classroom and lab is about halfway complete.

interior construction at main office area

overhead construction work in first floor corridor

steel framing on second floor

Photos 4-5: the diesel/unleaded fuel and the propane fuel islands are being constructed .

diesel/unleaded fuel island

propane fuel island

Photos 6-7: the shop doors have been installed on the east side of the bus maintenance bay.

maintenance bay shop doors installed

interior view of maintenance bay

Photo 8: a crew member works on affixing the roof above the bus wash canopy.

bus wash canopy

Video (1.5 min) - construction update:

Photo 1: aerial view of the Transportation project site shows roofing work and preparations for installation of the storefront windows.

aerial view of Transportation site

Photo 2: a crew member checks around the roof joists.

checking the roof joists

Photos 3 and 4: a crew member bends conduit to the proper curve for his partner to install in the ceiling.

crew member bends conduit

crew member installs prepared conduit

Photo 5: doors have been installed in the shop areas.

shop doors installed

Photo 6: the bus maintenance barn is being prepared for an upcoming concrete pour.

bus maintenance barn preparations

Photo 7: outside, the concrete base has been laid for the tractor/equipment storage area.

concrete base for storage area

Video (1.5 min) - construction update:

Photo 1: concrete has been poured on the second floor deck. The diesel mechanic CTE program's lab and classroom will be located here.

second floor

Photo 2: an overhead view of the carpentry area from the second floor.

overhead view of carpentry area

Photo 3: looking down from the second floor to the shop area. Crews are working on the area around the lifts.

overhead view of shop area

Photo 4: the first floor of the building, looking toward the office area. HVAC ductwork is being installed.

first floor

Photos 1-2: Transportation building construction continues.

exterior of building

exterior of building

Photos 3-4: Interior stairs are built.

interior stairs

interior stairs

Roof decking is being installed over the building (photos 1-4), and stairways are being placed in various areas (photo 5).

roof decking over office area

roof decking over maintenance bays

finishing remaining roof decking over shop area

finishing remaining roof decking over shop area

one of the installed stairways

Photo 1: an aerial view shows the crane bringing in a roof truss to be installed.

crane brings in roof truss

Photo 2: crew members have welded the truss in place and are moving on to the next one.

workers installing roof truss

Photos 1-4: crew members receive a truss by crane, place it on a hanger, then weld the truss into place.

worker installing roof truss

worker grabs roof truss

worker places roof truss

worker welds roof truss

Photos 1 and 2: concrete masonry work for the interior walls is completed. Pending weather conditions, roof trusses will be installed overhead.

interior skeleton of Transportation building

view of office area construction

Photo 3: a crew member verifies measurements along the exterior wall.

worker verifying measurements


Sept. 3, 2019 - concrete is poured for the foundation slab.

February 2018 - pre-design of the facility begins.

July 12, 2019 - excavation and grading of the site begins.