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Project Updates

Dec. 29, 2022

Photos 1-2: all of the new garage doors have been installed on the mechanical bays.

long view of new garage doors

completed installation of garage doors

Photos 1-3: new garage doors have arrived and are being installed as part of the building improvements.

long view of garage door replacements

installing tall garage door

interior view of garage door replacement

Photos 1 and 2: concrete has been sealed, and the new hydraulic lifts are covered while electrical connections are completed.

covered hydraulic lifts

covered hydraulic lifts

Photos 3 and 4: painting is being completed around the new sliding glass window and rolling window in the dispatchers' office.



Photos 1 and 2: the new hydraulic lifts are being installed in their pits.

hydraulic lift pit

installing hydraulic lift in pit

Photo 3: the storage area for waste oil has been finished off with a cover and protective bollards.

waste oil storage area

Photo 4: the new skylights bring much-needed natural daylighting into the mechanics' bays.

finished skylights in mechanics

Photo 5: glazing has been added to the dispatchers' office window.

window for dispatchers

Photos 1 and 2: materials are loaded onto the rooftop in preparation for roofing work.

roofing materials

lifting materials to rooftop

Photo 3: the pits for the hydraulic lifts are ready for their upcoming installation.

empty hydraulic lift pit

Photos 1 and 2: skylights are being added to the roof of the mechanics' bays to bring in more natural daylighting.

aerial view of skylight installation

crew members installing skylights

Photo 3: as seen from below, the skylights have a screen that prevents anyone on the rooftop from falling through.

skylight and screen seen from below

Photo 4: a crew member works on adjustments beneath a skylight.

crew member working beneath skylight

Photo 5: the concrete floor in the mechanics' bay is dried and finished; the hydraulic lifts are expected to be installed next week.

finished concrete floor

Photo 6: a new window is being added to the dispatchers' office area to add daylighting.

window cutout in dispatchers

Photos 1 and 2: concrete for the floor has been poured and is being smoothed by crew members.

poured concrete for floor

smoothing out poured concrete

Photos 1 and 2: rebar has been installed to prepare for an upcoming concrete slab pour for the floor.

rebar laid for concrete pour

rebar for concrete floor

Photo 3: conduit also has been laid in a trench for electrical connections between the hydraulic lifts and power source.

conduit in trench

Photo 4: a crew member wires secured door access to the security system.

wiring security system

Photo 1: a crew member trims along the edges of the walls of the left-side concrete base for a hydraulic lift.

trimming along edges of concrete slab

Photo 2: the right-side trench is ready for installation of a lift.

right-side lift slab

Photo 3: the tank for waste motor oil is being installed in an excavated trench.

tank installed in trench

Photo 1: concrete slabs have been poured in the trenches for the new lifts.

left-side slab pour

Photo 2: crew members touch up the concrete slab pour in the right-side trench.

right-side slab pour

Photo 3: additional boring and excavation for another trench is taking place outside the bay.

additional trench outside bay

Photos 1 and 2: trenches have been dug in the mechanical bays for the new lifts.

left-side trench in mechanical bays

right-side trench in mechanical bays

Photo 3: rebar has been laid out to install in the trench framing to support the upcoming concrete pour.

rebar for trenches

Concrete has been removed from a mechanics' bay to prepare for digging and other work to install new lifts.

concrete removed from mechanics bay

Building renovations are underway, starting with sawcutting of the concrete floors in the mechanics' bays to prepare for installation of new lifts and other equipment.

Start of sawcutting in mechanics bay