Featured Staff Members
Featured Staff Members
September 5, 2022 - Congratulations are in order for Olga Acuña, HSD’s director of federal programs and family engagement. She was honored with the Latina Leadership Award during the Adelante Mujeres Fiesta of Hope event on Saturday, Aug. 27, in downtown Forest Grove. Dr. Acuña began working for HSD as an instructional assistant and recruiter at Glencoe High School in 1985. In 1992, she completed her Master’s degree and began teaching, then transitioned to administration when she accepted the assistant principal position at Hilhi in 2006. Since 2013, she has overseen federal programs for the District, and along the way earned her Doctorate, served on the Hillsboro City Council, developed a strong family engagement program, and continues to expand the District’s preschool offerings. She is a champion and advocate for students and families and is very deserving of this recognition. Way to go, Olga! You make us Proud to be HSD!
Miembro del personal destacado: Olga Acuña
Felicidades a Olga Acuña, directora de los programas federales e involucramiento familiar de HSD. Fue honrada con el Premio al Liderazgo Latino durante el evento Fiesta of Hope de Adelante Mujeres celebrado el sábado, 27 de agosto en el centro de la ciudad de Forest Grove. La Dra. Acuña comenzó a trabajar para HSD como asistente de instrucción y reclutadora en la Escuela Preparatoria Glencoe en 1985. En 1992 completó su maestría y comenzó con la enseñanza, luego hizo una transición a la administración cuando aceptó el puesto de subdirectora en Hilhi en 2006. Desde 2013, ha supervisado los programas federales para el distrito y, en su trayecto, obtuvo su doctorado, participó en el Concejo Municipal de Hillsboro, desarrolló un sólido programa de involucramiento familiar y continúa expandiendo las oportunidades preescolares del distrito. Ella es una campeona y abogadora de los estudiantes y las familias por eso es merecedora de este reconocimiento. ¡Bien hecho, Olga! ¡Nos hace sentir orgullosos de ser HSD!
September 26, 2022 - Congratulations are in order for Liberty High School Math and Science teacher Laury Rodriguez. She has been named one of sixteen regional finalists for the 2022-23 Oregon Teacher of the Year Award! A Liberty High School student herself, Laury returned to the school as a family outreach liaison and bilingual assistant in 2015 after graduating from Portland State. Since earning her Master’s degree in 2019, she has served Liberty students by teaching Math, Science, Dual Language, and AVID. She also advises the MEChA Club and has taught summer school, working to develop and align a program that is responsive to student needs.
A cross-functional committee convened by the Northwest Regional Education Service District (ESD) reviewed applications from Clatsop, Tillamook, Columbia, and Washington Counties. They ultimately selected Laury as their regional finalist as they felt she models an equity mindset and is intentional about integrating diverse perspectives and cultures.
Laury was recognized during an all-school assembly at Liberty on Friday, Sep. 16. Representatives from the Oregon Lottery - one of the sponsors of the Oregon Teacher of the Year Program - were on hand to present her with a $1,000 check and a banner announcing her regional finalist status.
The 2022-23 Oregon Teacher of the Year winner will be announced in early October. Way to go, Laury! You make us Proud to be HSD! Scroll down to see photos...
Miembro destacado del personal: Laury Rodríguez, finalista regional al reconocimiento Maestro del Año de Oregón.
Felicitaciones para la maestra de Matemáticas y Ciencias de la Escuela Preparatoria Liberty, Laury Rodríguez. ¡Ha sido nombrada una de los dieciséis finalistas regionales para el reconocimiento Maestro del Año de Oregón 2022-23! Como estudiante de la Escuela Preparatoria Liberty, Laury regresó a la escuela como personal de enlace para el involucramiento familiar y asistente bilingüe en 2015, después de graduarse de Portland State University. Desde que obtuvo su maestría en 2019, ha impartido clases de Matemáticas, Ciencias, Lenguaje Dual y avance a través de la determinación individual (AVID, por sus siglas en inglés) a los estudiantes de Liberty. Ella también asesora al Club MEChA y ha brindado instrucción en la escuela de verano, trabajando para desarrollar y alinear un programa que responda a las necesidades de los estudiantes.
Un comité multifuncional convocado por el Distrito de Servicio Educativo Regional del Noroeste (NWRESD, por sus siglas en inglés) revisó las solicitudes de los condados de Clatsop, Tillamook, Columbia y Washington. Finalmente seleccionaron a Laury como finalista regional porque piensan que ella es un ejemplo de mentalidad equitativa y es intencional al tratar de integrar diversas perspectivas y culturas.
Laury fue reconocida durante una asamblea con toda la comunidad escolar de Liberty que se realizó el viernes, 16 de septiembre. Representantes de la Lotería de Oregón, quien es uno de los patrocinadores del programa Maestro del Año de Oregón, estuvieron presentes para entregarle un cheque de $1,000 y un cartel anunciándola como finalista regional.
El ganador del reconocimiento Maestro del Año de Oregón 2022-23 será anunciado a principios de octubre. ¡Bien hecho, Laury! ¡Nos haces sentir orgullosos de ser HSD! Desplácese hacia abajo para ver las fotos...
Featured Staff Member: Sheri Fisher, O-ACE Instructor and Hometown Hero
September 19, 2022 - Sheri Fisher is the instructor for our Oregon Aerospace Careers for Everyone - or O-ACE - program. She is also a pilot, is bilingual in English and Spanish, and supports the diversification of the aerospace industry by building connections with young women and students learning English as a second language. On Friday, August 19, she joined an elite group of civilians who can say they’ve flown with the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds through their Hometown Heroes program! Fisher’s name was put forth by the Oregon Air Show Foundation, and the Thunderbirds selected her because they were impressed with how she is preparing the next generation of young people for careers in aviation and avionics.
After several hours of briefings and preparation, Fisher and her pilot, Maj. Jacob Impellizzeri, took off at approximately 11:30 a.m. The F-16 Thunderbird #8 pulled 9.7 Gs at top speed, and Fisher took it like a champ! A “G” or g-force is a measure of acceleration. Experiencing 9.7 Gs means feeling nearly ten times the force of gravity. To think about it another way: if you weigh 100 pounds normally, 9.7 Gs would make you feel like you weighed 970 pounds!
Fisher was extremely grateful for the opportunity and her students were very excited to hear all about it and see pictures and videos of her flight. Way to go, Sheri! You make us Proud to be HSD!
Learn more about the O-ACE program and other career-related programs on our Career and College Pathways webpage. Scroll down to see photos...
Miembro destacado del personal: Sheri Fisher, instructora de O-ACE y parte del programa Hometown Heroes
Sheri Fisher es la instructora de nuestro programa Profesiones Aeroespaciales de Oregón para Todos (O-ACE, por sus siglas en inglés). Ella además de ser piloto, es bilingüe en inglés y español y apoya la diversificación de la industria aeroespacial al establecer conexiones con mujeres jóvenes y estudiantes aprendiendo inglés como segundo idioma. El viernes, 19 de agosto, se unió a un grupo élite de personas quienes pueden afirmar que, ¡han volado con los Thunderbirds de la Fuerza Aérea de EE. UU. a través de su programa Hometown Heroes! El nombre de Fisher fue propuesto por Oregon Air Show Foundation, y los Thunderbirds la seleccionaron porque estaban impresionados con la forma en que está preparando a la próxima generación de jóvenes para las profesiones en aviación y aviónica.
Después de varias horas de jornadas informativas y de preparación, Fisher y su piloto, el mayor Jacob Impellizzeri, despegaron aproximadamente a las 11:30 a.m. El F-16 Thunderbird n.º 8 alcanzó 9.7 fuerzas G a máxima velocidad, ¡y Fisher soportó como una campeona! Una fuerza G es una medida de aceleración. Experimentar 9.7 fuerzas G significa sentir casi diez veces la fuerza de la gravedad. Para verlo de otra manera, si pesas 100 libras normalmente, ¡9.7 fuerzas G te harían sentir como si pesaras 970 libras!
Fisher estaba extremadamente agradecida por esta oportunidad y sus estudiantes estaban muy emocionados al escuchar sobre esta experiencia y ver fotos y videos de su vuelo. ¡Bien hecho Sheri! ¡Nos haces sentir orgullosos de ser HSD!
Obtenga más información sobre el programa O-ACE y otros programas relacionados con esta profesión en nuestra página web del programa Caminos a la Profesión y a la Universidad. Desplácese hacia abajo para ver las fotos...
Hillsboro, OR – Sarah Cole, Student Council Adviser, Leadership Teacher, and Activities Adviser at Hillsboro High School has been named the Oregon Activities Adviser of the Year for 2019 at the OASC Spring Conference.
What makes this award even more special is that it started with students nominating Sarah and working with their administration to help complete the application. John Matsuo, Assistant Principal at Hillsboro, stated, “Student leadership, under the stewardship of Sarah Cole, has endless entry points and a place for everyone. Every traditional group uses Sarah Cole’s office as a hub and place without barriers. They eat together, laugh together, cry together and work to change the school and the world. They couldn’t be any more diverse and have a vast array of interests and activities, but they come together for StuCo and leadership. Sarah is one of the finest mentors I have ever watched in action.”
One of the nominating students, Tiffany Huynh, wrote, “Ms. Cole is always searching for better ways to improve HilHi’s climate and culture and is so proud of our schools immense diversity – unlike any other person I know. She has gone out of her way to build a close relationship with ALL of us (60+ student leaders). Alumni from past years always come back to visit Ms. Cole – this shows her impact on students’ lives, past and present. I could not imagine my high school experience or student council without seeing her red hair every day!”
Sarah supports her students beyond the classroom and school – she helps them attend conferences, summer camps and demonstrates the importance of networking with other students and schools. At the end of the year, Sara hosts a dinner for STUCO. At it, she honors each senior with a personal speech and gives them a children’s book that reminds her of them. There is not a dry eye in the house. She personalizes each student’s experience. Mama Cole (as she is often referred to) and the relationships she creates are magic!
We are honored to have Sarah Cole represent Oregon and OASC this year as the Activities Adviser of the Year!
Congratulations are in order for two HSD counselors who were recently elected to the Oregon School Counselor Association (OSCA) Board of Directors: Ronda Gatewood (pictured left) of Witch Hazel Elementary School is the new Elementary VP, and Anna Woodard (pictured right) of Brookwood Elementary School is the new Secretary. Ronda and Anna will serve in this leadership role for the next two years.