Licensed Bargaining
2024 Licensed Bargaining Updates
On Wednesday, January 17, 2024 the Hillsboro School District began contract negotiations with the Hillsboro Education Association. Our goal is to establish a collaborative process that will allow us to settle on a contract that is beneficial to students and staff, and that is fiscally responsible for our community.
Linked below are updates summarizing meetings between the District's and HEA's bargaining teams.
Licensed Bargaining Update #4 - November 14, 2024
Licensed Bargaining Update #3 - October 17, 2024 (en español)
Bargaining Session Recaps
- December 11, 2024
- November 21, 2024
- November 26, 2024 - Special Session
- November 13, 2024
- October 29, 2024
- October 15, 2024
- October 2, 2024
- September 17, 2024
- June 11, 2024
- June 6, 2024
- May 29, 2024
- May 8, 2024
- April 17, 2024
- April 3, 2024
- March 20, 2024
- March 1, 2024
- February 21, 2024
- February 9, 2024
- February 1, 2024
- January 17, 2024
December 11, 2024
Hillsboro Education Association
- Memorandum of Agreement - Hillsboro Online Academy
- Update dates, teachers to educators, and dollar amounts.
- Move MOA into contract as appendices.
- Article 5 - Unit Member Work Year/Work Day - Counter-Proposal
- Calendar - Unit members who work the three new educator in-service days shall choose to either be paid at the non-teaching rate or receive credit toward salary schedule movement.
- Article 6 - Unit Member Workload - Counter-Proposal
- Class Size/Caseload Relief Fund
- Starting with the 2025-26 academic year, a Class Size/Caseload Relief Fund shall be established to fund supports listed in Article 6, section A.4.c The fund will be dependent on state funding. If the State School Fund for the 2025-27 biennium is equal to or greater than $10.36 billion, then at least $700,000 will be allocated to the Class Size/Caseload Relief fund for the 2025-26 academic year and at least $700,000 for the 2026-27 academic year.
- If the State School Fund for the 2025-27 biennium is less than $10.36 billion or if state funding is reduced during the 2025-27 biennium, then the fund will be at the District's discretion.
- Class Size/Caseload Review
- This review will also include caseloads for SpEd educators, SLPs (Service Load), IEP caseload managers, nurses, school psychologists, and counselors.
- In situations where a class size/caseload exceeds the reasonable level given all of the factors considered, at least one option will be offered.
- Neighborhood Schools - Places language back into the contract instead of in an MOA.
- Class Size/Caseload Relief Fund
- Article 7 - Safety, Student Support and Discipline - Counter-Proposal
- Information Services - The District shall make available complete student disciplinary records directly to all educators assigned to provide services to a specific student.
- Article 15 - Salary - Counter-Proposal
- The salary schedule shall be increased:
- 3.5% for 2024-25
- 5.5% for 2025-26
- 4% for 2026-27
- The salary schedule shall be increased:
- Article 20 - Extra Duty - Counter-Proposal
- Addition of non-categorical SpEd educators added to the stipend, which already includes Life Skills, SCC, SLC, and CTS educators.
Hillsboro School District
- Article 5 - Unit Member Work Year/Work Day - Counter-Proposal
- Beginning with the 2025-26 school year, unit members who work those three days shall choose to either be paid at the non-teaching rate or receive credit toward salary schedule movement.
- Article 6 - Unit Member Workload - Counter-Proposal
- Class Size/Caseload Relief Fund - If the State School Fund for the 2025-27 biennium is less than $11.36 billion or if state funding is reduced during the 2025-27 biennium, or in the event enrollment in the District's schools decreases by more than 50 students from the preceding year as of October 1, then the fund will be at the District's discretion.
- Class Size/Caseload Review - In situations where the District determines that a class size/caseload exceeds the reasonable level, given all of the factors considered, at least one of the following options will be offered.
- Article 7 - Safety, Student Support and Discipline - Counter-Proposal
- Information Sharing - The District shall make available complete student disciplinary records directly to all educators assigned to provide education services to a specific student.
- Article 15 - Salary - Counter-Proposal
- The salary schedule shall be increased:
- 3.5% for 2024-25
- 4.25% for 2025-26
- 4.5% for 2026-27
- The salary schedule shall be increased:
Hillsboro Education Association
- Article 6 - Unit Member Workload - Counter-Proposal
- Class Size/Caseload Relief Fund - If the State School Fund for the 2025-27 biennium is less than $11.36 billion or if state funding is reduced during the 2025-27 biennium or in the event enrollment in the District's schools decreases by more than 1% from the preceding year as of October 1, then the fund will be at the District's discretion.
- Class Size/Caseload Review - In situations where a class size/caseload exceeds the reasonable level, given all of the factors considered, at least one of the following solutions will be offered.
- Article 15 - Salary - Counter-Proposal
- The salary schedule shall be increased:
- 3.5% for 2024-25
- 4.75% for 2025-26
- 4.25 for 2026-27
- The salary schedule shall be increased:
Hillsboro School District
- Article 6 - Unit Member Workload - Counter-Proposal
- Class Size/Caseload Review - In situations where the District determines, after consultation with the Association, that a class size/caseload exceeds the reasonable level, given all of the factors considered, at least one of the following options will be offered.
Tentative Agreements
- Article 5 - Unit Member Work Year/Work Day - Counter-Proposal
- Article 6 - Unit Member Workload - Counter-Proposal
- Article 7 - Salary, Student Support and Discipline - Counter-Proposal
- Article 11 - Leaves
- Article 15 - Salary - Counter-Proposal
- Article 16 - Employee Benefits
- HOA Appendicies
November 21, 2024
Hillsboro Education Association
- Article 6 - Unit Member Workload - Counter-Proposal
- Class Size/Caseload
- In situations where a class size/caseload exceeds specific ratios at least one option will be offered including workload relief determined by mutual agreement of the educator and administrator.
- If no supports are offered by the district under this section and no workload relief can be agreed upon, the educator shall receive a stipend of $20 per additional student per month when the student levels are over the ratios established.
- Notification shall be given to the classroom educator in writing upon placement of any new student. Building and district admin shall provide a work space and a chair prior to the unit member receiving the student.
- Student Services Licensed Staff Support
- Each year, the district will allocate three (3) substitute days or an equivalent amount of per diem extended contract time to provide relief when a large number of IEPs or re-evaluations need to be completed by special education teachers, speech pathologists, or ELL teachers during a short period of time, or when pre-referral studies need to be completed. If, during the year those days have been exhausted, the unit member can request more days. Requests for the days will be made to the immediate supervisor. The district will inform all qualifying educators of their ability to take these days during in-service.
- Implementation of any SpEd Workload calculator in determining caseload and/or FTE will be done by mutual consent of the district and HEA members on the SpEd Workload Committee.
- Any unit member whose class size/caseload exceeds limits under section A.9 shall not be required to fill out paperwork for Medicaid billing.
- Dual Language Program Teachers
- For all core subjects, the district shall provide educators with adopted student-facing materials in the language of instruction. If such material is unavailable, the district will provide translation or pay the educator at the non-teaching rate the translate the material. The educator will choose whether they wish to translate the material or be provided with translation.
- School Counselors
- If counselors have a caseload of over 250 students, they shall not be require to serve in the role of the SSP Coordinator.
- The Association and the District shall collaborate to design and implement an annual counselor survey. At the secondary level, administrators will have dedicated meetings with counselor teams quarterly.
- Neighborhood Schools
- For any school utilizing the Neighborhood Schools model, all educators in the building will receive additional supports, which shall include all of the following:
- Additional staffing relative to the year prior to implementation.
- Additional planning time relative to the year prior to implementation.
- Extended contract.
- Additional classified support relative to the year prior to implementation.
- Dedicated collaboration time between SpEd and general education educators.
- Ongoing additional professional development offered during the school year.
- This support will be retained for at least the first five years after initial implementation.
- For any school utilizing the Neighborhood Schools model, any specialized programs will remain intact for qualifying students that were previously in a program. The specialized program will remain intact for the duration of the students' attendance.
- For any school utilizing the Neighborhood Schools model, all educators in the building will receive additional supports, which shall include all of the following:
- Class Size/Caseload
- Article 15 - Salary - Counter-Proposal
- The salary schedule shall be increased:
- 4.25% for 2024-25
- 5% for 2025-26
- 5% for 2026-27
- 2025-26 Salary Trigger - Page one of the June 20, 2024 SSF Estimate for the 2024-25 school year identifies the "Formula Revenue for Distribution for School Districts" as $7,347,710,517. If the "Formula Revenue for Distribution for School Districts" for the first 2025-26 SSF Estimate published after the end of the 2025 legislative session exceeds $7,347,710,517, then the district shall calculate the percentage increase and apply it to the 2025-26 salary schedule.
- 2026-27 Salary Trigger - If page one of the first 2026-27 SSF estimate published after May 1, 2026 identifies that the "Formula Revenue for Distribution for School Districts" is more than the "Formula Revenue for Distribution for School Districts" from the 2025-26 SSF estimate published at the end of the 2025 legislative session, then the district shall calculate the percentage increase and apply it to the 2026-27 salary schedule.
- The salary schedule shall be increased:
- Article 16 - Employee Benefits - Counter-Proposal
- The maximum monthly district contribution toward employee medical, vision, and dental insurance shall be:
- $1,370 for 2024-25
- $1,420 for 2025-26
- $1,470 for 2026-27
- The maximum monthly district contribution toward employee medical, vision, and dental insurance shall be:
- Article 20 - Extra Duty - Counter-Proposal
- District Nurse stipend increased to $4,134.
- TAG Coordinator Elementary stipend increased to $2,337.
- No 504 Case Manager shall have more than 35 students.
- Elementary and Middle School after-school activities/intramural sports shall be paid at the non-teaching rate.
Hillsboro School District
- Article 7 - Safety and Student Discipline - Counter-Proposal
- Prior to the changes being made to the Standards of Student Conduct, the Association will be provided with a draft and given an opportunity for input.
- The district shall make available student disciplinary records to all educators assigned to provide services to a specific student.
Hillsboro Education Association
- Article 5 - Unit Member Work Year/Work Day - Counter-Proposal
- Unit members who work the three new hire in-service days will choose to be paid at the non-teaching rate or receive credit toward salary schedule movement.
- If counselors agree to perform summer work, they shall determine with administrator approval when this work will be performed and shall be allowed to perform this work remotely.
- There shall be a regular passing period before and after lunch at the secondary level.
Tentative Agreements
- None
November 26, 2024 - Special Session
Hillsboro School District
- Article 5 - Unit Member Work Year/Work Day - Counter-Proposal
- Calendar - For the new licensed staff in-service day, unit members placed at Column VI shall be paid at the non-teaching rate.
- Work Day/Preparation Time - There shall be transition time before lunch at the secondary level.
- Article 6 - Unit Member Workload - Counter-Proposal
- Class Size/Caseload - Notification shall be given to the classroom educator in writing upon placement of any new student in their classroom. If needed, the building administrator shall provide a work space and chair prior to the unit member receiving the student.
- Student Services Licensed Staff Support
- Each year, the district will allocate three substitute days or an equivalent amount of per diem extended contract to provide relief when a large number of IEPs or re-evaluations need to be completed by special education or SLPs. ELL educators may receive up to two days.
- Development of a Special Education workload calculator shall be done with the input of the impacted bargaining members.
- Dual Language Educators - For all core subjects, the district shall provide educators with adopted student-facing materials in the language of instruction. If such material is unavailable, the district will provide translation or pay the educator at the non-teaching rate to translate the material. The educator will choose whether they wish to translate the material or be provided with translation services.
- Article 15 - Salary - Counter-Proposal
- The salary schedule shall be increased:
- 3.5% for 2024-25
- 4.0% for 2025-26
- 4.25% for 2026-27
- The salary schedule shall be increased:
- Article 20 - Extra Duty - Counter-Proposal
- Moved nurse stipend to $4,134.
- Ed Tech Coordinator, Bilingual Dual Language Program Teachers, Elementary Split Classroom Teachers, TAG Coordinator - Elementary to $2,337.
- No Section 504 Case Managers shall have more than 40 students.
- Memorandum of Understanding - Neighborhood Schools Inclusion Model
- For any school in the first year of implementing the NSI model, a building space dedicated to providing intensive supports will be an option for the IEP team to consider during the IEP placement discussion, when the IEP team determines it is an appropriate consideration.
November 13, 2024
Hillsboro School District
- Article 5 - Unit Member Work Year/Work Day - Counter-Proposal
- Calendar
- The District shall allow the Association to meet with new hires at a sixty-minute Association orientation.
- Secondary counselors may be required to work up to ten additional days. Those days may be scheduled with mutual agreement and up to three days may be worked remotely.
- During teacher-directed academic seminars, educators shall collaborate in PLC groups identified by the administrator and shall take place in a designated location.
- Calendar
- Article 6 - Unit Member Workload - Counter-Proposal
- Class Size/Caseload - Notification shall be given to the classroom educator in writing upon placement of any new student in their classroom. Upon request of the classroom educator, the building administrator shall provide a work space and a chair to the unit member receiving the student.
- Student Services Licensed Staff Support - Each year, the District will allocate up to three substitute days or an equivalent amount of per diem extended contract time to provide relief when a large number of IEPs or re-evaluations need to be completed.
- Dual Language Program Teachers - For all core subjects, the District shall provide educators with adopted student-facing materials in the language of instruction. If such material is unavailable, the District will provide translation or pay the educator at the non-teaching rate to translate the materials.
- Article 15 - Salary - Counter-Proposal
- The salary schedule shall be increased:
- 3.5% for 2024-25 with a delayed implementation of 48 work days
- 3.5% for 2025-26
- 3.5% for 2026-27
- Unit members who are not eligible for step advancement and have a minimum of ten (10) years of licensed experience in the District shall be eligible for a longevity stipend of $500 in the 2024-25, 2025-26, and 2026-27 school years.
- The salary schedule shall be increased:
- Article 16 - Employee Benefits - Counter-Proposal
- The maximum District contribution toward employee medical, vision, and dental insurance shall be:
- $1370 for 2024-25
- $1420 for 2025-26
- $1470 for 2026-27
- The maximum District contribution toward employee medical, vision, and dental insurance shall be:
Hillsboro Education Association
- Article 11 - Leaves - Counter-Proposal
- Other Leave - At the discretion of the Superintendent or designee, leave may be granted with full pay, without pay, or with regular pay minus the cost of substitute for leaves not granted under any other provision, including physical assault or leave due to experiencing a serious threat of violence at the workplace.
- Article 7 - Safety and Student Discipline - Counter-Proposal
- Standards of Student Conduct - A joint HEA/HSD Committee will be formed to review and revise the Standards of Student Conduct. Any proposed changes will be brought to the committee for approval. HEA committee members will be selected by the Association and HSD committee members will be selected by the District. Any updates to the Standards of Student Conduct will be shared with all unit members during in-service week.
- Information Sharing - The District shall make available through the student information system complete student disciplinary records to all educators assigned to provide services to a specific student.
Tentative Agreements
- None
October 29, 2024
Hillsboro School District
- Article 5 - Unit Member Work Year/Work Day - Counter-Proposal
- Calendar
- The District will include the Association in the calendar committee process.
- Unit members placed at Column VI shall be paid at the non-teaching rate.
- Secondary counselors may be required to work up to ten additional days. Those days may be scheduled with mutual agreement and up to three days may be worked remotely.
- During teacher-directed Academic Seminars, collaboration shall occur in PLC groups identified by the administrator and shall take place in designated locations.
- Notification of Assignment - All unit members will be notified of their specific teaching assignment by June 1 of the prior school year insofar as it is known at that time.
- Calendar
- Article 7 - Safety and Student Discipline - Counter-Proposal
- Student Support and Discipline - Prior to the substantive changes being made to the Standards of Student Conduct, the Association will be provided with a draft and given an opportunity for input.
- Information Sharing - The District shall make available student disciplinary records to all of the educators assigned to provide services to a specific student.
Hillsboro Education Association
- Article 11 - Leaves - Counter-Proposal
- Personal Leave - Unit members shall convert up to one unused personal leave day carried forward from the 2023-24 contract year to sick leave upon ratification of this contract by both parties.
- Safety and Wellness Leave - At the discretion of the superintendent or designee, up to two days may be granted to an educator who has been physically assaulted or experienced a serious threat of violence at the workplace and does not qualify for Workers' Compensation.
- Article 5 - Unit Member Work Year/Work Day - Counter-Proposal
- Calendar
- Unit members who work the three new licensed in-service days shall choose to either be paid at the non-teaching rate or receive credit toward salary schedule movement in the amount of one credit per day for a total of three credits.
- The District shall invite an assign time for new hires to attend a sixty-minute Association orientation.
- If counselors agree to perform summer work, they shall determine with administrators' approval when this work will be performed and shall be allowed to perform this work remotely.
- On grading days, unit members may perform grading responsibilities and other work responsibilities away from the worksite. Those without grading responsibilities will be available for consultation through virtual meetings.
- In elementary schools, all full-time teachers, including specialists, will have uninterrupted preparation time of no less than 430 minutes per five-day week during the workday.
- Workday/Preparation Time - There shall be a regular passing period before and after lunch at the secondary level.
- Building Course Schedule Deadline - Absent unforeseen circumstances, a draft of the secondary building course schedule will be made available by the end of the school year.
- Calendar
- Article 15 - Salary - Counter-Proposal
- The salary schedule shall be increased by
- 4.5% for 2024-25
- 5.25% for 2025-26
- 5.25% for 2026-27
- The salary schedule shall be increased by
- Article 16 - Employee Benefits - Counter-Proposal
- The maximum District contribution toward employee medical, vision, and dental insurance shall be
- $1,395 for 2024-25 - Will not be applied retroactively
- $1,445 for 2025-26
- $1,495 for 2026-27
- The maximum District contribution toward employee medical, vision, and dental insurance shall be
Hillsboro School District
- Article 11 - Leaves - Counter-Proposal
- Other Leaves - At the discretion of the Superintendent or designee, leave may be granted with full pay, without pay, or with regular pay minus the cost of the substitute for leaves not granted under any other provision, including physical assault or leave due to experiencing a serious threat of violence at the workplace.
Tentative Agreements
- None
October 15, 2024
Hillsboro School District
- Article 15 - Salary - Counter-Proposal A
- The salary schedule shall be increased
- 2.5% for 2024-25
- 3.75% for 2025-26
- 4.0% for 2026-27
- This shall be effective July 1 of each fiscal year.
- The salary schedule shall be increased
- Article 16 - Employee Benefits - Counter-Proposal A
- The maximum District contribution toward employee medical, vision, and dental insurance shall be
- $1,370 for 2024-25
- $1,420 for 2025-26
- $1,470 for 2026-27
- The maximum District contribution toward employee medical, vision, and dental insurance shall be
- Article 15 - Salary - Counter-Proposal B
- The salary schedule shall be increased
- 2.5% for 2024-25
- 3.5% for 2025-26
- 3.5% for 2026-27
- This shall be effective July 1 of each fiscal year.
- Unit members who were not eligible for step advancement in the 2024-25 school year shall receive a one-time payment of $1,000.
- The salary schedule shall be increased
- Article 16 - Employee Benefits - Counter-Proposal B
- The maximum District contribution toward employee medical, vision, and dental insurance shall be
- $1,395 for 2024-25
- $1,445 for 2025-26
- $1,495 for 2026-27
- The maximum District contribution toward employee medical, vision, and dental insurance shall be
- Article 20 - Extra Duty - Counter-Proposal
- District Nurse stipend equivalent to Resource Specialist and SLP.
- Adding separate categories for Elementary and Secondary TAG Coordinator.
- 504 Case Managers - proposed changes to the compensation ratios.
Hillsboro Education Association
- Article 6 - Unit Member Workload - Counter-Proposal
- Class Size/Caseload - In situations where class size/caseload exceeds the following, at least one of the following options will be offered:
- Class Size Ratio
- K = 24:1
- 1-3 = 24:1
- 4-6 = 28:1
- Secondary = 30:1
- MS/HS PE = 35:1
- Offered Supports
- Adding licensed staff
- Adding instructional assistant time
- Developing split classrooms
- Reassignment of students
- Specific workload relief in consultation with the educator and administrator
- Notification shall be given to the classroom educator in writing upon placement of any new student. Building and district admin shall provide a desk or workspace and a chair prior to the unit member receiving the student.
- Class Size Ratio
- Class Size/Caseload Limit
- Proposed caseload caps for SPED educators, nurses, school psychologists, and SLPs.
- In situations where a class size/caseload exceeds the above caps, at least one of the following options will be offered:
- Adding licensed staff
- Adding instructional assistant time
- Reassignment of students
- Specific workload relief in consultation with the educator and administrator
- Student Services Licensed Staff Support
- Implementation of any SpED workload calculator in determining caseload and/or FTE will be bargained with the Association.
- Any unit member whose class size/caseload exceeds limits under section A.9 shall not be required to fill out paperwork for Medicaid billing.
- School Counselors - If counselors have a caseload of over 250 students, they shall not be required to serve in the role of SSP Coordinator.
- Neighborhood Schools
- For any school entering into the Neighborhood Schools model, all educators in the building will receive additional supports which shall include all of the following:
- Additional staffing
- Additional planning time
- Extended contract
- Additional classified support
- Dedicated collaboration time between SpEd and general education educators
- Ongoing additional professional development offered during the school year
- This support will be retained for at least the first five years of implementation.
- For any school in the first year of implementing the Neighborhood Schools model, any existing specialized programs will remain intact for students that were in a program the previous year. The specialized program will remain intact for the duration of the students' attendance.
- The District will ensure that every student with a disability is given an appropriate placement. In cases when an outside placement is needed to meet the needs of a student and when no outside placement is available, the District will provide an appropriate in-district placement.
- For any school entering into the Neighborhood Schools model, all educators in the building will receive additional supports which shall include all of the following:
- Class Size/Caseload - In situations where class size/caseload exceeds the following, at least one of the following options will be offered:
- Article 7 - Safety and Student Discipline - Counter-Proposal
- A joint HEA/HSD Committee will be formed to review and revise the Standards of Student Conduct. Any proposed changes will be brought to the committee for approval. HEA committee members will be selected by the Association and HSD committee members will be selected by the District.
- The administrator or designee shall put these behavior expectations in writing and will email them to all educators responsible for teaching the student as soon as possible, but no later than the beginning of the next work day.
- The District shall make available complete student disciplinary records for the previous three academic years, including major and minor incidents in the District's Data Warehouse and student information systems (DCA and Synergy) to all educators within a building.
Tentative Agreements
- None
October 2, 2024
Hillsboro Education Association
- Article 5 - Unit Member Work Year/Work Day - Counter-Proposal
- Calendar
- If there is no calendar committee in a given academic year, the District will provide physical and electronic copies of the calendar to the association no less than 30 days prior to the first school board calendar work session.
- Unit members who work for the 3 new educator in-service days shall be paid at the per diem rate.
- The District shall invite and require new hires to attend a sixty minute Association orientation. Orientations shall take place on a quarterly basis at a mutually agreed-upon location. All new hires and designated Association representatives who attend the orientation shall not suffer a loss of pay or benefits.
- If summer work is necessary, Counselors shall determine when this work will be performed and shall be allowed to perform this work remotely.
- Martin Luther Kind, Jr. Day shall replace Presidents Day as a paid holiday.
- The District will designate on the academic calendar the last 5 student contact days of each quarter as being free from mandatory meetings.
- Work Day/Preparation Time
- In elementary schools, all full-time teachers, including specialists, will have uninterrupted preparation time of no less than 430 minutes per five-day week.
- Educators will have scheduled collaboration time with IAs at least monthly.
- There shall be a regular passing period before and after lunch at the secondary level.
- Notification of Assignment - All unit members will be notified of their specific teaching assignment by June 1 of the prior school year.
- Master Schedule Deadline - A draft of the secondary master schedule will be made available by the end of the school year.
- Calendar
- Article 7 - Safety and Student Discipline - Counter-Proposal
- Student Support and Discipline
- A joint HEA/HSD Committee will be formed to review and revise the Standards of Student Conduct. Any proposed changes will be brought to the committee for approval. HEA committee members will be selected by the Association and HSD Committee members will be selected by the District.
- Add Heading - Immediate Response to Threatening Behavior
- Add Heading - Behavior Expectations Prior to Readmission
- Before being readmitted to any class, the student shall have clearly identified behavior expectations which shall be communicated to unit members responsible for teaching the student that day.
- If the student has not returned to class due to an ongoing investigation, all unit members responsible for teaching the student will be notified of the ongoing investigation no later than the beginning of the next work day following the incident. Educators responsible for teaching the student will then receive behavior expectations in writing prior to the student returning to class.
- Add Heading - Conference Option
- Add Heading - Support During Incidents
- The District shall make available complete student disciplinary records, including major and minor incidents (in DCA and Synergy) to all educators within the building.
- Student Support and Discipline
Hillsboro School District
- Article 7 - Safety and Student Discipline - Counter-Proposal
- Student Support and Discipline - Before being readmitted to any class, the student shall have clearly identified behavior expectations, which shall be communicated in writing by the administrator or designee to all unit members responsible for teaching the student.
Tentative Agreements
- None
September 17, 2024
Hillsboro Education Association
- Article 3 - Unit Members Rights and Responsibilities - Counter-Proposal
- Right to Organize - The district shall invite and require new hires to attend a sixty-minute Association orientation. Orientations shall take place on a monthly basis at a mutually agreed upon location. All new hires and designated Association representatives who attend the orientation shall not suffer a loss of pay or benefits.
- Article 11 - Leaves - Counter-Proposal
- Personal Leave - During the 2024-25 academic year, the unit members shall have up to one unused personal leave day converted to a sick day.
- Safety and Wellness Leave
- Up to two days may be granted to an educator who has been physically assaulted or has experienced a serious threat of violence at the workplace and does not qualify for Workers Compensation.
- A serious threat of violence means any intentional communication or other act that threatens an act of violence and would cause a reasonable person to feel terrorized, threatened, or fear physical injury or death to oneself or another person.
- Such leave shall be granted with full pay that does not utilize their sick leave, personal leave, or paid leave.
Hillsboro School District
- Article 6 - Unit Member Workload - Counter-Proposal
- Class Size and Caseload
- In situations where a class size caseload exceeds the reasonable level given all of the factors considered, the following options will be considered:
- Adding or transferring licensed staff;
- Adding instructional assistant (classified) time to the classroom;
- Developing split classrooms;
- Reassignment of students;
- Specific workload relief in consultation with the educator and administrator;
- No changes due to financial or space limitations.
- In situations where a class size caseload exceeds the reasonable level given all of the factors considered, the following options will be considered:
- Student Services Licensed Staff Support - The district will provide impacted employees with the methodology used in determining caseload distribution.
- Dual Language Program Teachers
- The district will ensure that Dual Language curriculum adoptions will include Dual Language educators.
- Whenever possible, the district shall provide district-adopted teacher guides in the language of instruction.
- Neighborhood Schools Model - Re-proposed that new language be placed into a one year Memorandum of Understanding
- Class Size and Caseload
- Article 11 - Leaves - Counter-Proposal
- Personal Leave - Unit members shall convert up to one unused personal leave day carried forward from the 2023-24 contract year to sick leave upon ratification of this contract.
Tentative Agreement
- Article 3 - Unit Members Rights and Responsibilities
June 11, 2024
Hillsboro School District
- Article 11 - Leaves - Counter-Proposal
- Did not accept HEA's proposal on Safety and Wellness Leave
Hillsboro Education Association
- Article 5 - Unit Member Work Year/Work Day - Counter-Proposal
- The District shall invite and require new hires to attend a 60-minute Association orientation. Orientations shall take place on a quarterly basis at a mutually agreed upon location. All new hires and designated Association representatives who attend the orientation shall not suffer a loss of pay or benefits.
- Article 6 - Unit Member Workload - Counter-Proposal
- Class Size/Caseload
- In situations where a class size/caseload exceeds specified ratios, at least one of the following will be offered:
- Adding licensed staff
- Adding instructional assistant time
- Developing split classrooms
- Reassignment of students
- In situations where a class size/caseload exceeds specified ratios, at least one of the following will be offered:
- Building and district admin. shall provide a desk and a chair prior to the unit member receiving a new student.
- Caseload caps for specialists, including SPED teachers, Nurses, School Psychologists, and SLPs.
- Implementation of any SPED workload calculator in determining caseload and/or FTE will be bargained with the Association.
- No unit member shall be required to fill out paperwork for Medicaid billing if their workload exceeds an appropriate threshold as determined by the SPED workload calculator. Nurses whose caseload exceeds numbers outlined in HB2693 shall not be required to fill out paperwork for Medicaid billing.
- Dual language educators at the secondary level shall not have more than 3 preps unless agreed upon by the unit member.
- The role of the SSP Coordinator shall be voluntary for counselors.
- There shall be a private space for school psychologists to test students in all buildings where they are required to work.
- For any school in the year of implementing the Neighborhood School model, any existing specialized programs will remain intact for the students that were in a program the previous year. The specialized program will remain intact for the duration of the students' attendance.
- Class Size/Caseload
- Article 15 - Salary - Counter-Proposal
- 5% increase in salary for 2024-25
- 5% increase in salary for 2025-26
- 5% increase in salary for 2026-27
- Article 16 - Employee Benefits - Counter-Proposal
- District Contribution Toward Insurance
- $25 increase for 2024-25
- $50 increase for 2025-26
- $50 increase for 2026-27
- District Contribution Toward Insurance
- Article 20 - Extra Duty - Counter-Proposal
- District Nurse stipend increase to $4,134
- Increasing the Elementary TAG Coordinator stipend to $2,330
- Adjustment to the number of students in each section of the 504 Case Manager Compensation Table. And, no educator shall have more than 33 students.
- Middle/Elementary School Extra Duty pays shall equal the non-teaching rate.
Hillsboro School District
- Article 5 - Unit Member Work Year/Work Day - Counter-Proposal
- Calendar
- The District will include the Association in the calendar committee process.
- Unit members placed at Column VI shall be paid at the non-teaching rate for the 3 new licensed staff in-service days.
- Secondary counselors may be required to work up to 10 additional days.
- Teacher-Directed Academic Seminar - Collaboration shall occur in PLC groups identified by the administrator and shall take place in a designated location.
- Members may perform grading and other work responsibilities on a grading day away from the worksite, but unit members must be available for consultation by phone or virtual meetings.
- Calendar
- Article 7 - Safety and Student Discipline - Counter-Proposal
- Procedures for Physical or Threatening Student Behavior - Before being readmitted to class, the student shall have clearly identified behavior expectations, which shall be communicated to the unit members responsible for teaching the student the remainder of the school day. The administrator or designee shall put these behavior expectations in writing and will email them to all educators responsible for teaching the student as soon as possible.
June 6, 2024
Hillsboro Education Association
- Article 7 - Safety and Discipline - Counter-Proposal
- A joint HEA/HSD committee will be formed to review and revise the Standards of Student Conduct. HEA committee members will be selected by the Association and HSD committee members will be selected by the District.
- Procedures for Physical or Threatening Behavior
- Before being readmitted to any class, the student shall have clearly identified behavior expectations, which shall be communicated to the unit members responsible for teaching the student.
- The administrator shall put these behavior expectations in writing and will email them to all educators responsible for teaching the student.
- If the student has not returned to class due to an ongoing investigation, all unit members responsible for teaching the student will be notified of the ongoing investigation no later than the beginning of the next work day following the incident.
- Safety
- Each building will track data for room clears and incident reports. Upon request, the District will share data about room clears and incident reports with the Association.
Hillsboro School District
- Article 6 - Unit Member Workload - Counter-Proposal
- Class Size/Caseload
- The Superintendent or designee(s) will meet with the Association president by September 30 and again shortly after the start of second semester to review class sizes and caseloads, with special attention paid to the needs of buildings with a disproportionately high number of students with diverse learning needs.
- During that meeting, concerns brought by members, administrators, or the Association shall be considered, with attention to the following factors:
- The number of students in the class and/or the student load/caseload
- School and District class size/student load/caseload averages
- The instructional level of the classroom
- The amount of instructional assistant time or specialist assistance provided
- In situations where a class size/caseload exceeds the level desirable given all the factors considered, the following options will be considered:
- Adding licensed staff
- Adding instructional assistant (classified) time to the classroom
- Developing split classrooms
- Reassigning students
- No changes due to financial or space limitations
- Notification shall be given to the classroom educator in writing upon placement of any new student in their classroom.
- Elementary PE, Music, and Art Specialists
- The duration of specials sections shall be determined annually by the building administrator, as long as those sections are at least 30 minutes.
- School Counselors - The Association and the District shall collaborate to design and implement an annual counselor survey. At the secondary level, administrators will have dedicated meetings with counselor teams quarterly.
- Neighborhood Schools - Proposed language to be moved to MOU.
- Class Size/Caseload
May 29, 2024
Hillsboro School District
- Article 15 - Salary - Counter-Proposal
- Salary
- Increase of 3.5% for 2024-25
- Increase of 3.0% for 2025-26
- Increase of 3.5% for 2026-27
- Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, Step A will be eliminated
- Initial Salary Placement - Counselors will be included in the "hard to fill" category.
- Travel Reimbursement - Requests for reimbursement must be submitted within 30 days of travel per district policy, unless pre-arranged with the District Office.
- Salary
- Article 16 - Employee Benefits - Counter-Proposal
- District Contribution - The maximum district contribution toward employee medical, vision, and dental insurance shall be the following per month:
- $1,370 for 2024-25
- $1,420 for 2025-26
- $1,470 for 2026-27
- Termination of Benefits - If a unit member's employment is terminated prior to the end of the school year, the district's contribution to insurance will continue through the month following the termination date.
- District Contribution - The maximum district contribution toward employee medical, vision, and dental insurance shall be the following per month:
- Article 20 - Extra Duty - Counter-Proposal
- Mentor Educators - Educators who volunteer and who are selected to mentor another educator shall receive $500 per educator they are approved to mentor.
- Extra Duty Stipends
- District Nurse increased to the level of Resource Specialist and SLP.
- STEAM Coach stipend moved from a MOA to the contract.
- Addition of an Elementary After-School Activity Lead.
- Section 504 Case Managers - Adjustment of numbers to reflect an increase in paid days for every seven students added.
Hillsboro Education Association
- Article 6 - Unit Member Workload - Counter-Proposal
- Class Size/Caseload
- Notification shall be given to the classroom educator in writing upon registration of any new student. Admin shall provide a desk, a chair, and essential supplies prior to the unit member receiving the student.
- There shall be a learning interventionist in every building to help with identification, assessment, instruction, interventions, and progress monitoring.
- Newly proposed class size and caseload caps.
- Class Size/Caseload Exceptions - The limit exceptions can occur for Elementary, Middle School, and High School classes. The educator and admin will collaborate on the following:
- IA Support
- Compensation
- Planning Time
- Teaching Load/Secondary Schools - Teaching two or more classes simultaneously during one period constitutes a split classroom and will qualify for the Split Classroom Extra Duty Stipend.
- Student Services Licensed Staff Support:
- Implementation of any SPED workload calculator in determining caseload or FTE will be bargained with the Association.
- No unit member shall be required to fill out paperwork for Medicaid billing if their workload exceeds an appropriate threshold as determined by the SPED workload calculator. Nurses whose caseload exceeds the numbers outlined in HB2693 shall not be required to fill out paperwork for Medicaid billing.
- Elementary Specialists - The schedule at elementary schools shall reflect no more than two consecutive sections for a specialist without a break of at least 5 minutes.
- Classroom Teacher Support - Schedule coordination that allows unit members to teach only one level of math and one level of language arts.
- Dual Language Program Teachers - Dual Language educators at the secondary level shall not have more than three preps.
- School Counselors
- The role of SSP Coordinator shall be voluntary for counselors.
- The District and Association shall work to make improvements to the evaluation process for counselors in the Evaluation Committee.
- The Association and the District shall collaborate on the design and implement an annual counselor survey.
- Neighborhood Schools
- For any school utilizing the Neighborhood Schools model, all educators in the building will receive additional supports, which shall include all of the following:
- Additional staffing
- Additional planning time
- Extended contract
- Additional classified support
- Dedicated collaboration time between SPED and general education educators
- Ongoing additional PD offered during the school year
- For any school in the first year of implementing the Neighborhood Schools model, any existing specialized programs will remain intact for the students that were in a program the previous year.
- The District will ensure that every student with a disability is given an appropriate placement. In cases where an outside placement is needed to meet the needs of the student and no outside placement is available, the District will provide an appropriate in-district placement.
- For any school utilizing the Neighborhood Schools model, all educators in the building will receive additional supports, which shall include all of the following:
- Class Size/Caseload
- Article 7 - Safety and Discipline - Counter-Proposal
- Procedures for Physical or Threatening Student Behavior - Before being readmitted to any class, the student shall have clearly identified behavior expectations that shall be communicated to the unit member. Admin shall put these behavior expectations in writing and will email them to all educators responsible for teaching the student as soon as possible but no later than the beginning of the next work day.
- Safety - Each building will track data for room clears and incident reports including room, date, and time. The District shall share this data with the Association each month.
- Article 10 - Educational Program Improvement and PD - Counter-Proposal
- District Provided PD
- The District will include in Safe Schools Training a mandatory review of appropriate language on race and identity as well as protocols to address racist or discriminatory incidents.
- Topics addressed at New Licensed Staff In-Service shall include:
- District policies protecting BIPOC/LGBTQ2SIA+ staff members.
- Introduction to relevant terms.
- Access to other resources.
- District Provided PD
- Article 11 - Leaves - Counter-Proposal
- Sick Leave - Any employee retiring under PERS may also elect to cash in accumulated sick or personal leave days, up to a maximum of 25 days, at a payment of $200 per day.
- Safety and Wellness Leave
- Three days shall be granted to an educator who has been physically assaulted or has experienced a serious threat of violence at the workplace.
- A serious threat of violence means any intentional communication or other act that threatens an act of violence and would cause a reasonable person to feel terrorized, threatened, or fear physical injury or death to oneself or another person.
- Such leave shall be granted with full pay that does not utilize their sick leave, personal leave, or paid leave.
Hillsboro School District
- Article 7 - Safety and Discipline - Counter-Proposal
- Procedures for Physical or Threatening Student Behavior - Before being readmitted to class, the student shall have clearly defined behavior expectations, which shall be communicated to the unit member. The administrator or designee shall put these behavior expectations in writing and will email them to all educators deemed necessary by the administrator as soon as possible.
- Safety - Safety committees for each building will review incident reports and records each month for room clears when an injury has occurred. Meeting minutes shall be posted monthly. Each building will track data for room clears. Upon request, the District will share data with the Association. FERPA-protected data will not be included.
- Article 10 - Educational Program Improvement and PD - Counter-Proposal
- District Provided PD
- The District will include annual mandatory training on the topic of equity, access, and engagement, including a review of appropriate language on race and identity.
- Topics addressed at New Licensed Staff In-Service shall include:
- District policies protecting staff members from harassment and discrimination based on protected class status.
- Introduction to relevant terms.
- Access to other resources.
- District Provided PD
- Article 11 - Leaves - Counter-Proposal
- Leave Resulting from Physical Assault - An employee absent from work due to injury that is the result of a physical assault by a student while acting in their capacity as an employee for the District, will receive compensation for up to three (3) days of pay at the employee's per diem rate, per instance. In order to qualify for such compensation, the employee must have an accepted Workers' Compensation claim associated with that injury.
- Emergency Leave - It is understood that emergency leaves are unusual conditions over which the unit member has no control, such as leaves for a serious crisis in the unit member's family, as defined in Article 11.A, where the presence of the unit member is necessary.
Hillsboro Education Association
- Article 10 - Educational Program Improvement and PD - Counter-Proposal
- District Provided PD - Materials for New Licensed Staff In-Service Equity Trainings will be provided to all staff.
- Article 11 - Leaves - Counter-Proposal
- Safety and Wellness Leave - Up to two days may be granted to an educator who has been physically assaulted or experienced a serious threat of violence at the workplace that does not qualify for Workers' Comp.
Tentative Agreements
- Article 10 - Educational Program Improvement and PD
May 8, 2024
Hillsboro School District
- Article 7 - Safety and Student Discipline - Counter-Proposal
- Rename the article to Student Support and Conduct.
- Building Student Support Plan - if needed, adjustments will be made and communicated to staff throughout the year.
- Safety - Safety committees for each building will review incident reports each month.
- Article 11 - Leaves - Counter-Proposal
- Sick Leave - Did not accept HEA's language that retirees would be paid out at 1/2 of the monetary value for unused sick leave.
- Personal Leave - At the end of the 2023-24 school year, any unit member shall have up to 1 unused personal leave day converted to sick leave.
- Safety and Wellness Leave - Did not accept HEA's language regarding 3 days of leave for a member who has been threatened or physically assaulted.
- Sabbatical Leave - Elimination of this section of the contract.
Hillsboro Education Association
- Article 5 - Unit Member Work Year/Work Day - Counter-Proposal
- Calendar
- The district will provide copies of the calendar to HEA no less than 30 days prior to the first school board calendar work session.
- Unit members who work the 3 New Educator Inservice Days will be paid at the per diem rate rather than for credit toward movement on the salary schedule.
- If summer work is necessary, counselors shall determine when this work will be performed and shall be allowed to perform this work remotely.
- Secondary unit members with grading responsibilities will have at least one full work day at the end of each quarter.
- Unit members may perform grading responsibilities and other responsibilities away from the work site.
- No unit member shall have to work in a building when other members are not required to be in that building due to non-student contact days or when buildings are closed and not maintaining environmental controls.
- Family Connections will not affect protected in-service time and shall not include events during the normal work day that include in-person student and family contact time.
- The district will designate on the acadmic seminar calendar the last 5 student contact days of each quarter as free from mandatory meetings.
- Work Day/Preparation Time
- Elementary prep time shall be no less than 430 minutes per five-day week.
- Educators will have scheduled collaboration time with IAs at least monthly.
- There shall be a regular passing period before and after lunch at the secondary level.
- During the 2023-24 academic year, a joint committee has been meeting to discuss the impact of the 7-period day. The district shall implement the recommendation of this committee.
- Notification of Assignment
- All unit members will be notified of their specific teaching assignment by May 15.
- Master Schedule Deadline
- A draft of the secondary master schedule will be made available by May 30.
- Calendar
Hillsboro Education Association
- Article 7 - Safety and Student Discipline - Counter-Proposal
- Rename article to Safety and Student Support and Discipline
- Student Support and Discipline
- Discussion of the building discipline plan will take place at a principal-directed academic seminar.
- Around mid-year, members will have an opportunity to review the plan and suggest necessary adjustments.
- Before being readmitted to class, the student shall have clearly identified behavior expectations which shall be communicated in writing to all the unit members responsible for teaching and supporting the student.
- Unit members have the right to file referral and incident reports without discouragement or reprisal from administrators.
- Safety - Safety committees for each building will review records for room clears and incident reports.
- Article 15 - Salary - Counter-Proposal
- Salary
- Increase of 7% for 2024-25
- Increase of 6% for 2025-26
- Increase of 5% for 2026-27
- Travel Reimbursement - Requests for reimbursement must be submitted within 30 days of travel per district policy unless pre-arranged with the District Office.
- Salary
Hillsboro School District
- Article 3 - Unit Members Rights and Responsibilities - Counter-Proposal
- Academic Freedom - Must be exercised within the district's policies and basic ethical responsibilities of the teaching profession.
Tentative Agreements
- None
April 17, 2024
Hillsboro Education Association
- Article 3 - Unit Member Rights and Responsibilities - Counter-Proposal
- Academic Freedom - Did not accept the district's proposal that academic freedom must be exercised within the district's policies and guidelines related to grading and curriculum.
- Just Cause and Due Process - Did not accept the district's proposal that limits the definition of discipline.
- Article 7 - Safety and Student Discipline - Counter-Proposal
- Student Support and Discipline - Changes language throughout the article from "Discipline" to "Support and Discipline."
- Building Support and Discipline Plans
- Unit members and building administrators shall observe the provisions of the Standards of Student Conduct and Building Student Support and Discipline Plan.
- By May 1, all unit members will have input into the building support and discipline plan.
- Procedures for Physical or Threatening Student Behavior
- Change of language from "safety" to "physical and/or emotional safety."
- Before being readmitted to any class, the student shall have clearly written behavior expectations and district supports will be provided. The behavior expectations will be developed in collaboration with the unit member and provided to all unit members responsible for teaching the student prior to the student returning to any class.
- Administrative Support - The District and Association acknowledge that referrals are not punitive. Referrals are intended to provide support for all students. Unit members have the right to file referrals and incident reports without discouragement or reprisal from admin.
- Safety
- Safety committees for each building will review records for the room clears and incident reports each month and these will be included with meeting minutes.
- Any time a unit member is required to work in a building, that building must have functional HVAC systems that are actively being utilized.
- Article 11 - Leaves - Counter-Proposal
- Family Member Definition - Family member is defined by OAR 839-007-000 including any individual related by blood or affinity whose close association with a covered individual is the equivalent of a family relationship.
- Sick Leave - PERS retirees may elect to cash in accumulated sick/personal leave days up to 100 days at 1/2 the monetary value.
- Personal Leave - At the end of the 2023-24 academic year, unit members shall be given the option to either receive a payout at the substitute rate for any banked personal leave days or convert them to sick days.
- Safety and Wellness Leave - Three days shall be granted to an educator who has been physically assaulted or has experienced a serious threat of violence at the workplace.
Hillsboro School District
- Article 15 - Salary - Initial Proposal
- Step Advancement - 4.2%/year
- General Salary Increase - 3%/year
- Step + General Salary Increase - 7.2%
- Initial Salary Placement - Building-based sub experience will count as years of experience.
- Travel Reimbursement - Must be submitted within 30 days of travel per district policy.
- Article 16 - Employee Benefits - Initial Proposal
- Insurance cap contributions:
- $1,420 in 2024-25
- $1,470 in 2025-26
- $1,520 in 2026-27
- Termination of Benefits - Contribution to insurance will continue through the month following the termination date.
- Insurance cap contributions:
- Article 20 - Extra Duty - Initial Proposal
- 3% increase each year to stipends that qualify for a yearly increase.
Tentative Agreements
- None
April 3, 2024
Hillsboro School District
- Article 1 - Recognition - Counter-Proposal
- Revert to current contract language - Positions will be temporary if hired after August 15.
- Article 3 - Unit Member Rights and Responsibilities - Counter-Proposal
- Academic Freedom - Must be exercised with the District's policies and guidelines related to grading and curriculum.
- Just Cause and Due Process - Discipline shall be defined as a written reprimand, suspension without pay, or placing a record of complaint in the unit member's working file.
- Article 11 - Leaves - Counter-Proposal
- Sick Leave - Family members shall be defined as those listed in OAR 839-007-000.
- Sick Leave - Did not agree to the language that members could turn in their remaining sick days for payment upon retirement.
- Personal Leave - Increase the amount of personal leave available from 1 day to 3 days.
- Bereavement Leave - A family is defined as those listed in OAR 839-007-000.
- Elimination of Sabbatical Leave language.
- Did not agree to HEA's Safety and Wellness Leave language.
- Article 7 - Safety and Student Discipline - Initial Proposal
- Change language from discipline to behavior support.
- The building plan shall list how elementary students are returned to class.
Hillsboro Education Association
- Article 6 - Unit Member Workload - Counter-Proposal
- Classroom educators shall be given at least 24 hours' notice before receiving a new student.
- There shall be a half-time Learning Interventionist in every primary building.
- Class size and caseload caps.
- Unit members at secondary level shall not have more than three preps.
- The District shall allocate at least 5 substitute days for special education IEP work.
- Whenever an IEP meeting must be held during the workday, substitutes shall be provided.
- No unit member shall be required to fill out paperwork for Medicaid billing.
- Split Classrooms - At the request of the unit member, the building admin will provide information to assist the unit member to select the model to be used for the split classroom.
- DL educators at the secondary level shall not have more than 3 preps.
- Counselors:
- The role of the SSP Coordinator and 504 Case Manager shall be voluntary.
- The District and Association shall collaborate in labor management to modify the counselor job description, create a counselor evaluation, and develop solutions for workload/caseload concerns.
- Implementation of an annual counselor survey and listening session.
- Counselors and Specialists and other non-classroom educators shall not have a disproportionate amount of duty.
- Neighborhood Schools:
- For any school utilizing the Neighborhood Schools model, all educators will receive additional support including additional staffing, additional planning, extended contract, additional classified support, and dedicated collaboration time.
- For any school in the first year of implementing the Neighborhood Schools model, any existing specialized programs will remain intact for students that were in the program the previous year.
- Article 10 - Professional Development - Counter-Proposal
- $600,000 for tuition reimbursement shall increase proportionally to Portland State University's graduate tuition rate.
Hillsboro School District
- Article 10 - Professional Development - Counter-Proposal
- $600,000 for tuition reimbursement in 2024-25, $610,000 in 2025-26, and $620,000 in 2026-27.
Tentative Agreements
- Article 1 - Recognition
March 20, 2024
Hillsboro Education Association
- Article 9 - Unit Member Evaluation - Counter-Proposal
- Accepted District's proposal changing "teachers" to "educators" throughout the article.
- Article 10 - Educational Program Improvement and PD - Counter-Proposal
- Professional Development - If a unit member is required to attend PD or an academic seminar, topics will be shared one week in advance. Members may request an explanation of how the PD is relevant to their job assignment or be excused.
- Tuition Reimbursement - If a member is having trouble receiving proper documentation, they may submit proof of payment, which will extend the deadline for proof of completion.
- Tuition Reimbursement - Did not accept the District's proposal that eliminated the ability to use two years worth of credits.
Hillsboro School District
- Article 1 - Recognition - Counter-Proposal
- Proposed current contract language regarding the hiring of temporary employees.
- Article 3 - Unit Member Rights and Responsibilities - Counter-Proposal
- Academic Freedom - Must be exercised within the District's policies and guidelines related to grading and curriculum.
- Article 5 - Unit Member Work Year/Work Day - Initial Proposal
- Secondary counselors may be required to work up to 10 additional days.
- Up to one hour of each unit member's directed work days may be used for principal-directed PD.
- Teacher Directed Academic Seminars - This collaboration shall occur in PLC groups identified by the administrator and shall take place in a designated location.
- Article 10 - Educational Program Improvement and PD - Counter-Proposal
- Professional Development - If a unit member is required to attend PD or an academic seminar, every effort will be made to share topics in writing one week in advance.
- Tuition Reimbursement - The District shall provide up to $600,000 annually for activities described in the article.
- Human Resources may approve an extention for extenuating circumstances for incidents when proof of course completion is not submitted within 30 days.
Hillsboro Education Association
- Article 1 - Recognition - Counter-Proposal
- Temporary positions are those as defined by ORS 342.815(10).
- Elimination of language that hires are temporary after Aug. 15.
- Article 3 - Unit Member Rights and Responsibilities - Counter-Proposal
- Did not agree with the District's proposals on just cause and academic freedom.
Tentative Agreements
- Article 9 - Unit Member Evaluation
March 1, 2024
Hillsboro School District
- Article 4 - Association Rights - Counter-Proposal
- The Association president or designee will have 5 minutes to introduce the Association during the all-staff kick-off.
- Article 6 - Unit Member Workload - Initial Proposal
- Teaching load at secondary schools shall not exceed more than 320 student contact minutes in an average school day.
- At the elementary level, the duration of specials sections shall be determined annually by the building principal.
- Article 9 - Unit Member Evaluation - Counter-Proposal
- Did not accept HEA's last proposal, which included specific requirements for administration to be trained on the evaluation.
Hillsboro Education Association
- Preamble - Counter-Proposal
- Did not accept District's proposal that the Preamble is not eligible for grievance.
- Article 11 - Leaves - Counter-Proposal
- New section that defines family members.
- Any employee retiring may elect to cash in accumulated sick/personal leave at a payment of 1/2 of monetary value per day.
- Unit members shall receive 3 days per year of paid leave for personal leave.
- Bereavement leave can be used for family members and not just immediate family members.
- Unit members shall also have up to 5 days of bereavement leave for pregnancy loss.
- 2 additional days of bereavement shall be provided when travel is necessary.
- Unit members shall be provided 1 day of pay for bereavement purposes for a student, former student, friend, or family member not included in the definition of family.
- Safety and Wellness Leave - 3 days shall be granted to an educator who has been physically assaulted or experienced a serious threat of violence at the workplace.
- Unit members will be released, without loss of pay, whenever subpoenaed or required to appear in court.
- Religious Leave - Licensed staff members may take up to 3 days of religious leave for the purpose of observing religious holidays.
- 6 weeks of leave may be taken for the purpose of illness or injury of a family member as defined in Article 11 A.
- Article 12 - Vacancies and Transfers - Counter-Proposal
- In-Building Changes of Assignment - 2 days and district moving support will be granted for classroom teachers if the change occurs on or after the last day of in-service. (Did not accept the District's language that this only applies to elementary classroom teachers.)
- Involuntary Transfers - 3 days and district moving support will be granted to classroom teachers if the change occurs on or after the last day of in-service. (Did not accept the District's language that this only applies to elementary classroom teachers.)
- Accepted District's proposal that .2 FTE or less will receive 1 day.
- Article 14 - Grievance Procedures - Counter-Proposal
- Accepted last proposal on reordering of language in Level Two - Superintendent section.
- Article 19 - Miscellaneous Provisions - Initial Proposal
- Building-Based Subs are utilized only to cover for unit members who are absent. The District will not increase the number of Building-Based Substitutes above the current 2023-24 levels.
- Negotiation of Successor Agreement - Written notice shall be provided by either party of intent to re-open negotiations by January 15 of the year the Agreement is set to expire.
Hillsboro School District
- Preamble - Counter-Proposal
- Agreed with the last HEA proposal with some minor language changes.
- Article 10 - Educational Program Improvement and Professional Development - Counter-Proposal
- The District shall provide up to $600,000 of tuition reimbursement annually.
- Unit members shall be eligible to receive 6 quarter hours per year until such funds are exhausted.
- Pertains to both graduate and undergraduate classes that directly relate to the member's employment with the District.
- Unit members must submit proof of completion within 30 days for reimbursement as per District policy.
- Article 14 - Grievance Procedures - Counter-Proposal
- Non-contract grievances concerning an administrative decision will end with the superintendent's decision.
- Article 19 - Miscellaneous Provisions - Initial Proposal
- Did not agree with HEA's proposal to set limits on building-based subs.
- Eliminated language regarding retroactive pay, which was specific to the last bargaining cycle.
Tentative Agreements
- Preamble
- Article 4 - Association Rights
- Article 12 - Vacancies and Transfers
- Article 13 - Reduction in Force
- Article 14 - Grievance Procedures
- Article 19 - Miscellaneous Provisions
February 21, 2024
Hillsboro Education Association
- NEW Article 21 - Equity Supports for BIPOC and LGBTQ2SIA+ - Initial Proposal
- A diversity of BIPOC and LGBTQ+ educators will be included on all core curriculum adoption committees.
- The District shall provide professional educators with student-facing materials in the language of instruction.
- BIPOC/LGBTQ+ representation options will be provided for members of investigatory or other union represented meetings.
- Article 12 - Vacancies and Transfers - Counter-Proposal
- In-building changes of assignment - two days of extended contract and moving supports for changes that occur on or after the last day of in-service.
- Involuntary transfers between buildings - three days of extended contract and moving supports for changes that occur on or after the last day of in-service.
- Article 1 - Recognition - Counter-Proposal
- Accepts District's proposal that years of service as a building-based sub count as years of service if hired into a position in the district.
- Building-based subs are utilized only to cover for the unit members who are absent.
- Not increase the number of positions for building-based subs above the 2023-24 levels.
- Article 14 - Grievance Procedures - Counter-Proposal
- Updates to pronouns.
- Retains current language regarding non-contract grievances.
- The Superintendent shall meet with the aggrieved within 10 days.
Hillsboro School District
- Article 4 - Association Rights - Counter-Proposal
- The association president will normally have an opportunity to introduce themselves during the all-staff kickoff.
- The Association shall reimburse the District for the full cost of the president's compensation and benefits including all payroll costs.
- Article 14 - Grievance Procedures - Counter-Proposal
- The Superintendent shall meet with the aggrieved within 10 days and have a written response within 5 days following the meeting.
- Article 8 - Unit Member Absences - Counter-Proposal
- Did not adopt language regarding TOSAs subbing on days when they are required to lead PD.
- Article 9 - Unit Member Evaluation - Counter-Proposal
- Agreed to add Licensed Evaluation and PD Handbook link.
Hillsboro Education Association
- Article 4 - Association Rights - Counter-Proposal
- The Association will normally have 5 minutes to introduce the Association during the all-staff kick-off.
- Agreement that Association shall reimburse the District for the full cost of the president's compensation and benefits including all payroll costs.
- Article 8 - Unit Member Absences - Counter-Proposal
- Agreed with the last proposal.
- Article 9 - Unit Member Evaluation - Counter-Proposal
- Educators shall be evaluated by a principal/administrator who has been trained in observation, evaluation, and the use of the specific instructional framework.
- Evaluator calibration shall happen annually.
Hillsboro School District
- Preamble - Counter-Proposal
- Agreed to a majority of the HEA proposal.
- Preamble not grievable under Article 14 of Agreement.
- Article 12 - Vacancies and Transfers - Counter-Proposal
- In-building changes of assignment - two days and moving assistance will be provided for classroom teachers at the elementary level if the change occurs on or after the last day of in-service.
- Involuntary transfers between buildings - three days and moving assistance will be provided for classroom teachers at the elementary level if the change occurs on or after the last day of in-service.
Tentative Agreements
- Article 2 - Management Rights and Responsibilities
- Article 8 - Unit Member Absences
- Article 17 - Dues and Payroll Deductions
- Article 18 - Peaceful Resolution of Differences
February 9, 2024
Hillsboro School District
- Article 4 - Association Rights - Initial Proposal
- Right to Speak at Meetings - change the language regarding to the 10 minutes to address licensed staff during the All Staff Kick-Off to immediately following the All Staff Kick-Off.
- Move the Association Leaves section to Article 4.
- Article 11 - Leaves - Initial Proposal
- Addition of Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML) references throughout the article.
- Move Personal Leave Donation to later in the article to align with Personal Leave information.
- Editing and deleting of outdated or inaccurate language.
- Removes Sabbatical Leave language.
- Article 12 - Vacancies and Transfers - Counter-Proposal
- Agreed with HEA's last proposal that when only a portion of a member's FTE is transferred back to their already established building, the 2 days shall be prorated. Also proposed that any moves of 0.4 FTE or less will only be granted one day.
- Article 13 - Reduction in Force - Review and Clean-Up
- Change "his or her" to "their."
Hillsboro Education Association
- Equity Proposals
- The District's New Hire Orientation will include equity training that covers:
- District's plan to address institutional racism
- Policies protecting BIPOC/LGBTQ+ staff members
- Introduction to relevant terms
- Access to other resources
- Ongoing PD to address anti-racism/anti-bias in buildings and best teaching practices. Joint committee formed.
- Newly hired BIPOC educators shall be offered BIPOC Mentor Teachers for up to 3 years.
- BIPOC Educators will not be asked to serve on multiple committees/affinity groups.
- The District's New Hire Orientation will include equity training that covers:
- Article 3 - Unit Member Rights and Responsibilities - Initial/Counter-Proposals
- Agreed to the district's proposal to strike language regarding changing student grades in order to provide clarity.
- Placing unit members on Paid Administrative Leave should only happen when absolutely necessary and will explore options such as alternative assignment whenever possible.
- Did not accept the district's Just Cause changes.
- Article 9 - Unit Member Evaluation - Initial Proposal
- Add a hyperlink in the contract that takes them to the Evaluation Handbook.
- Article 10 - Educational Program Improvement and Professional Development - Initial Proposal
- If a unit member is required to attend PD or academic seminar, it should only be because it is pertinent to their job.
- All unit members shall receive up to 6 undergraduate or graduate quarter hours per year.
- Article 8 - Unit Member Absences - Counter-Proposal
- Agreed to district proposal that TOSAs who are substituting will be paid at the hourly rate for the time they spent teaching.
- TOSAs will not be on call or be required to sub on days when they are required to lead PD.
- Article 14 - Grievance Procedures - Counter-Proposal
- Superintendent shall meet with the aggrieved within 10 days.
- Did not accept district's proposal to remove the non-contract grievance.
- Did not accept the district's proposal that the member needs to let the supervisor know when a level one grievance meeting has happened.
Hillsboro School District
- Article 9 - Unit Member Evaluation - Counter-Proposal
- Agreed to language to add a hyperlink in the contract that takes them to the Evaluation Handbook.
- Article 14 - Grievance Procedure - Counter-Proposal
- Eliminates non-contract grievance language. Refers members to applicable Board policy.
- Aggrieved first meets with their supervisor to discuss the concerns. If they are not satisfied with the outcome of the information meeting, they may file a grievance within 10 days.
Hillsboro Education Association
- Article 4 - Association Rights - Counter-Proposal
- Association will have the right to address all staff, not just licensed staff, during the All Staff Kick-Off
- Accepted the move of Association Leaves from Article 11 to Article 4
- The Association will reimburse the district for the full cost of the president's compensation (not just salary) and benefits including all payroll costs.
- Article 12 - Vacancies and Transfers - Counter-Proposal
- Back to original counter-proposal that when only a portion of a member's FTE is transferred back to their already established building, the 2 days shall be prorated.
February 1, 2024
HEA Proposals
- Article 1 - Recognition
- Building-based subs will be included in the bargaining unit.
- Strikes the language that positions open after August 15 become temporary.
- Article 8 - Unit Member Absences
- When TOSAs substitute for an absent staff member, they will be compensated an additional hour if they are called after the start of the day.
- TOSAs will not be required to substitute on days when they are required to lead professional development.
- Language to support BIPOC and LGBTQ+ educators
- Preamble to contract focused on a commitment to use district resources to reduce the disparity of outcomes for students of color, students with disabilities, and other underserved students.
- Anyone hired or assigned as an equity trainer will be provided with adequate training.
- Joint committee to develop protocols to address incidents of racism and discrimination.
- Expand training opportunities for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ educators to attain leadership positions.
- Mandatory review of appropriate language on race and identity as well as protocols to address racism and discrimination.
HSD Proposals
- Article 1 - Recognition
- Positions vacant after Augst 1 are temporary.
- Article 3 - Unit Member Rights and Responsibilities
- Academic freedom must be exercised within the District's policies and guidelines related to grading and curriculum.
- Strikes some language regarding the changing of a student's grades in order to provide more clarity.
- Clarification of the three outcomes that are considered disciplinary.
- Article 12 - Vacancies and Transfers
- When only a portion of a member's FTE is involuntarily transferred, the two days of extended contract time they receive shall be prorated.
- Article 14 - Grievance Procedures
- Elimination of non-contract grievance language.
- Employees shall notify their supervisor if a meeting is intended to be a level one grievance meeting.
- Eliminates the 5-day timeline for the superintendent to meet with the aggrieved employee.
HSD Counter-Proposals
- Article 1 - Recognition
- Did not agree to language regarding making bulding-based subs part of the bargaining unit.
- Open to adding language to Article 15, which would allow for building-based sub work to county as years of experience if hired by HSD.
- Article 8 - Unit Member Absences
- TOSAs who are required to substitute will be paid at the hourly teaching rate for the time spent teaching.
HEA Counter-Proposals
- Article 3 - Unit Member Rights and Responsibilities
- Accepted HSD language regarding changing of student grades.
- Article 12 - Vacancies and Transfers
- When only a portion of the unit member's FTE is involuntarily transferred to a building in which the unit member is already established, the two days shall be prorated to reflect the involuntarily transferred portion.
- Article 14 - Grievance Procedures
- Superintendent shall meet with the aggrieved employee within 10 days.
- Did not agree to the District's proposal to eliminate the equity grievance.
January 17, 2024
- Welcome and introduction of team members
- Review of ground rules
- HSD shared its Bargaining Guiding Principles
- HEA shared concepts to support BIPOC and LGBTQSIA+ staff and students
- HEA shared concepts to improve workload, safety, and many other areas of the contract
Next session: Thursday, February 1 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
2024 Licensed Bargaining Teams
Hillsboro Education Association
- Mary Kay Babcock, HEA President
- Mu Son Chi, OEA Uniserv Consultant
- Angela Adzima, HEA Vice President
Technology TOSA in the Office for School Performance - Sally Reyes, High School Representative
Math, Science, and Engineering Teacher at Liberty High School - Lisa Tanedo, Middle School Representative
Social Studies Teacher at Evergreen Middle School - Alicia Glasscock, Elementary Representative
4th Grade Teacher at Imlay Elementary School - Michele McCourt, Special Education Representative
Speech-Language Pathologist at Free Orchards Elementary School - Sylvia Weir, Equity Representative
Spanish and Spanish Language Arts Teacher at R.A. Brown Middle School
Hillsboro School District
- Kona Lew-Williams, Human Resources Officer
- Brian Hungerford, HSD Attorney
- Mark Watson, HSD Board Member
- Brian Haats, Director of Human Resources
- Michelle Morrison, Financial Officer
- Audrea Neville, Assistant Superintendent
- Elaine Fox, Executive Director of Student Services
- Julie Kasper, Principal of Century High School
- Mykle Rojas, Principal of Imlay Elementary School
- Berta Lule, Principal of Reedville Elementary School
- Jamie Lentz, Principal of Patterson Elementary School
- Kelsey Wright/Kristina Gantt, Human Resources Supervisor
As Needed
- Nancy Thomas, HSD Board Member Alternate