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School Employee Wellness
The Hillsboro School District encourages staff to pursue a healthy lifestyle that contributes to their improved health status, improved morale, and a greater personal commitment to the school’s overall wellness program. Many actions and conditions that affect the health of staff may also influence the health and learning of students. The physical and mental health of staff is integral to promoting and protecting the health of students, and helps foster their academic success. The District’s employee wellness program will promote health and reduce risk behaviors of employees, and identify and correct conditions in the workplace that can compromise the health of staff, reduce their levels of productivity, impede student success, and contribute to escalating health-related costs, such as absenteeism. The District will work with community partners to identify programs, ervices and resources to compliment and enrich employee wellness endeavors.

Promoting Student Wellness
The Hillsboro School District integrates wellness activities throughout the entire school environment (district-wide), not just in the cafeterias, other food and beverage venues, and physical activity facilities. The District will coordinate and integrate other initiatives related to physical activity, physical education, nutrition, and other wellness components, so all efforts are complimentary, not duplicated, and work toward the same set of goals and objectives promoting student well-being, optimal development, and strong educational outcomes.